Joe Biden's mask mandate firewall is crumbling

 Apparently, governors in 4 blue states see the red wave handwriting on the wall. That's why they're heading for the hills on Joe Biden's mask mandate hills. The science hasn't changed on whether masks work. The right types of masks in the right situation part of the time. The vast majority of the time, masks do more harm than good.

Democrat governors in New Jersey, Oregon, Delaware and Connecticut announced plans to eliminate their states' statewide mask mandates in the near future. The science hasn't changed. What's changed is that political reality has shifted in the Republicans favor in a major way. What's changed is how Democrats are now talking like Republicans.

I'm betting that that's proof that Democrats are worried that they're losing bigtime on this issue. If there's anything that's verifiable, it's that Democrats recite their talking points flawlessly time-after-time. BTW, if you get Democrats off their talking points, they're usually worthless.

TRENTON, New Jersey (AP) — The governors of four states in the US announced plans Monday to lift statewide mask requirements in schools by the end of February or March, citing the rapid easing of COVID-19′s omicron surge.

The decisions in Connecticut, Delaware, New Jersey and Oregon were announced as state and local governments grapple with which virus restrictions to jettison and which ones to keep in place. The changes also come amid a growing sense that the virus is never going to go away and Americans need to find a way to coexist with it.

New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy called the move "a huge step back to normalcy for our kids" and said individual school districts will be free to continue requiring masks after the state mandate ends March 7.

The caveat in NJ is that Gov. Murphy is still letting school districts make the final decision on masking. That's an excemption big enough to drive the entire Freedom Convoy through. Parents won't get fooled by that stunt. If anything, it'll piss them off that Gov. Murphy and the Democrats tried pulling that stunt.

Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont recommended ending the statewide mandate in schools and child care centers on February 28. Delaware Governor John Carney said his state's school mask mandate will run through March.
This is a hoax. These governors want the headline more than they want the mask mandate to end. Either way, the Biden administration isn't quick enough on its feet to navigate its way through this minefield.


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