Elon Musk, Mykhailo Fedorov join forces

Winning the PR war in the Russian-Ukrainian war is making a difference. Specifically, it's making a difference in attracting support for Ukraine. It's also piling up problems for President Putin. Two of the heroes in this fight are Elon Musk and Mykhailo Fedorov. Everyone knows who Musk is. Few know who Fedorov is. Fedorov is Ukraine's Vice Prime Minister.

This started when Fedorov posted a tweet asking Musk for help with internet services for Ukraine: Musk responded with this tweet: This is the social media version of "Hey Elon, can I borrow a cup of your internet? I'm busy fighting a war." Here's how the company replied officially:
"Starlink provides high-speed, low-latency broadband internet across the globe. Within each coverage area, orders are fulfilled on a first-come, first-served basis. Using advanced satellites in a low orbit, Starlink enables video calls, online gaming, streaming, and other high data rate activities that historically have not been possible with satellite internet. Starlink is ideally suited for areas where connectivity has been unreliable or completely unavailable. People across the globe are using Starlink to gain access to education, health services and even communications support during natural disasters."
This is an all-hands-on-deck situation. If these connections are a bit unusual but effective in thwarting Putin, then let's think outside that proverbial box. The brewery that shut down their distillery and retooled to make Molotov cocktails are heroes, too. Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition. This works, too:

President Zelenskyy and Elon Musk have displayed the leadership. Let's follow that leadership to contribute to Putin's ultimate demise.


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