Why won't the MSM listen?

After reading just a paragraph or 2 of this op-ed, it's obvious that the MSM isn't interested in listening to people. The op-ed's author is Dean Obeidallah, who is described as "Dean Obeidallah, a former attorney, is the host of SiriusXM radio's daily program "The Dean Obeidallah Show" and a columnist for The Daily Beast."

Obeidallah's op-ed is about the January 6 Capitol Hill uprising. Apparently, Obeidallah isn't the most observant person in DC. Here's what he wrote:

In the weeks after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, then-President George W. Bush famously stood before a joint session of Congress and declared to the nations of the world: "Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists." As we approach the one-year anniversary of the January 6 attack on the US Capitol, that is the very question we all should pose to any GOP elected official who still downplays the assault or supports the election lie that led to the violence: Do they stand with the United States, or do they stand with the terrorists?

To be clear, framing the question to include the word "terrorists" is accurate, given that FBI Director Christopher Wray described the Capitol riot as "domestic terrorism" in Senate testimony. The federal statute defining domestic terrorism also backs this up, since the events of January 6 involved "acts dangerous to human life" that were intended "to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion." Yet there are GOP elected officials who have downplayed and attempted to whitewash the insurrection -- for example, Rep. Andrew Clyde astoundingly likened the assault we saw on January 6 to "a normal tourist visit" in the Capitol.

I pride myself on knowing virtually all of the House Republicans. In fact, I know a healthy portion of the House Democrats. I honestly haven't heard of Mr. Clyde. I'm not questioning Mr. Obeidallah's naming of Rep. Clyde. I'm simply saying that Rep. Clyde is a nobody. The vast, vast majority of Republicans have condemned the events of Jan. 6 in the harshest terms imaginable.

Let's compare the House GOP's condemnation of the Jan. 6 uprising with the Democrats' silence on the George Floyd riots in Minneapolis, NYC, Portland and Seattle. We were told by Democrats that the riots that caused $2,000,000,000+ of damage were "mostly peaceful protests":

This is disturbing:
Democratic Rep. Bennie Thompson, the chair of the House committee investigating the Capitol riot, stated on "Meet The Press" on Sunday that the panel is working to determine whether any members of Congress "assisted" in any way in the attack. If any of the GOP representatives attempting to rewrite history are ultimately compelled to testify, the first question that should be asked of them is this: "Are you with us or with the terrorists?"
I don't have a problem with Democrats asking if Republicans assisted with the 1/6 attacks. That's what I'd call a fishing expedition. It's disturbing because this faux committee isn't asking the person ultimately in charge of Capitol security why she she didn't accept President Trump's offer of National Guard troops to augment her Capitol Hill Police. That woman who isn't getting questioned is Nancy Pelosi. That's why she rejected Jim Jordan and Jim Banks from being members on this faux committee. Pelosi knew that they intended to ask those questions. Pelosi and Thompson couldn't have that.

Why aren't Democrats interested in investigating Maxine Waters, who exhorted people in the Twin Cities to not rest until Daunte Wright got justice:

This was months before the first testimony was taken in that trial. In Waters' mind, Wright was already innocent and Officer Potter was guilty. Putting a thumb on the scales of justice is beyond egregious. The 1/6 uprising was a terrible thing but it lasted a single day. Maxine Waters' attempts to tip the scales of justice have been ongoing for several years. She's tried creating riots against the Trump administration. Remember this golden oldie:


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