Joe Biden's accomplishment deficit fuels his filibuster desperation

With his Marxist agenda collapsing around him, Joe Biden's desperation is showing. Suddenly, Mr. Biden isn't just willing to eliminate the legislative filibuster. He's willing to turn what used to be the world's greatest deliberative body into a miniature version of the House of Representatives.

Mr. Biden's agenda is all but officially dead. Build Back Better is on life support. That means progressives aren't happy because the Green New Deal is dead for, at minimum, a decade. That means all of the middle class entitlements are dead, too.

The middle class entitlements were the Democrats' highest priority. If those kicked in, it would've been virtually impossible to eliminate them.

Eliminating the filibuster is required to get the Democrats' voting bill passed. The bad news is that Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema stand in the way of eliminating the legislative filibuster. For all intents and purposes, the rest of Biden's progressive legislative agenda won't pass.

From his Atlanta speech:

“Sadly, the U.S. Senate, designed to be the world’s greatest deliberative body, has been rendered a shell of its former self. It gives me no satisfaction in saying that as an institutionalist, as a man who was honored to serve in the Senate,” Biden said. “But as an institutionalist, I believe the threat to our democracy is so grave that we must find a way to pass these voting rights bills."

“Debate them, vote, let the majority prevail,” Biden continued. “And if that bare minimum is blocked, we have no option but to change the Senate rules, including getting rid of the filibuster for this.”

Manchin and Sinema are saving the Democrats from themselves. Biden's speech:

It's time for sane people to retake control of the Democrats. They're their own worst enemy. They're Republicans' best electoral helper, too.

Joe Biden's staff gets it that his legislative agenda is quickly disappearing. The odds of them getting another thing passed from Biden's agenda keep getting slimmer. That's a far cry from the days when the Corporate Media talked about Biden's opportunity to become a historic president. It isn't a stretch to think that desperation is setting into the Oval Office.


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