Janet Yellen's Davos revelation

It's apparent that Janet Yellen's thinking is being negatively affected by Joe Biden's thinking. While addressing the World Economic Forum in Davos, Ms. Yellen said "Our new approach is far more promising than the old supply-side economics, which I see as having been a failed strategy for increasing growth. Significant tax cuts on capital have not achieved their promised gains, and deregulation has a similarly poor track record in general and with respect to environmental policies."

She also tried peddling the Biden economic agenda as "modern supply-side economics." What she calls modern supply-side economics, most honest people would call socialism. Check this out:

"Modern supply-side economics seeks to spur economic growth by both boosting labor supply and raising productivity, while reducing inequality and environmental damage," she said.
In other words, Ms. Yellen is calling Biden's Build Back Better Bill "modern supply-side economics", not Green New Deal socialism. Suffice it to say that this information got Larry Kudlow fired up. He addressed Ms. Yellen's message in Friday's opening riff:

Follow this link to read the transcript of Mr. Kudlow's riff. While remaining respectful, Mr. Kudlow still stung Ms. Yellen substantively:
Just a day or two ago, Ms. Yellen predicted two percent inflation by the end of this year. Really, Janet? And here we thought Joe Biden was having a rough week.
That's called happy talk, aka propaganda. That doesn't have much to do with the truth, though it fits perfectly with Joe Biden's malarkey.

Now just a brief summary: Mrs. Yellen believes President Biden’s dead in the water "Build Back Smaller or Chunkier" is the key to improving jobs and productivity. Really, Janet?

Another $5 trillion in spending will get the inflation rate down how low? Another $2 trillion in tax hikes will boost growth how much?

There's a recession hanging out there just beyond the horizon with Ms. Yellen's and Mr. Biden's name on it. With the Fed planning on tightening the money supply soon and with a labor shortage getting worse, not better, the Biden-Yellen Recession is just 2-3 months away. The good news is that this will sink Biden's administration and drive people to the (relative) sanity of the GOP.


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