Equity or Equality?

Equity or Equality
By Ramblin’ Rose

With the push for Critical Race Theory (CRT), Discrimination, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), Social Emotional Learning (SEL), the revisionist history of the 1619 Project, the proposed Social Studies Standards with newly created (inserted) strand on ethnicity, and the list goes on, citizens know that Marxism is everywhere present in education.

The end result is reverse discrimination. The whites are the oppressors and need to suffer and be silenced. It’s working in schools and hauntingly present in the workplace and the military. The non-whites are the victims who will remain downtrodden. As a class, they have no voice; only the “woke” leaders may speak for them.

The school board in Mankato, Minnesota, unanimously agreed (policy #466) to employ a statute passed in 2021 by the Minnesota Legislature (122A.70. Subdivision 1.b.1) that provides “additional stipends as incentives to mentors of color or who are American Indian.” They pay non-white mentors more than white educators and allow minorities to share sites based on race. Discrimination? Segregation?

Many in education (especially vocal activists and unions) embrace equity—making certain that all end at the same place with the same results. From the examples above, it seems that they have overshot their goal and now practice reverse discrimination.

And now, during a constantly mutating pandemic, the politicians are playing with people’s lives—BASED ON SKIN COLOR and/or the politics of the state’s governor. Many red-state governors claim that the Biden administration controls the supply (very limited) of therapeutics. Texas Governor Abbott stated: “the federal government controls the distribution of monoclonal antibodies” and that the state ran out “due to the national shortage from the federal government."

Governor DeSantis in Florida also finds the Biden administration’s control of therapeutics at the federal level inadequate for the demand in Florida. Federal officials suggest more vaccinations and testing. Governor DeSantis points to the breakthrough cases of covid among those who have already had the shots and boosters and need treatment.

Additionally, the Biden administration has limited the distribution of the therapeutics since laboratory data indicate that they are not as effective against the omicron variant. Florida’s Surgeon General Ladapo responds that the clinical data from patient’s reaction to treatment is more highly valued than laboratory studies.

The debates and the limited supply issues continue.

In New York City, the city Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DoHMH) stressed the agency’s commitment to “racial equity.”

“The … DoHMH is committed to improving health outcomes for all New Yorkers by explicitly advancing racial equity and social justice. Racial equity does not mean simply treating everyone equally, but rather, allocating resources and services in such a way that explicitly addresses barriers imposed by structural racism (i.e. policies and institutional practices that perpetuate racial inequity) and White privilege,” clearly indicates that “equity” trumps “equality.”

At the New York state level, the message is the same from the state Department of Health. “Non-white race or Hispanic/Latino ethnicity should be considered a risk factor” just like age and obesity as stated risk factors for COVID.

The DoHMH declared it is “committed to improving health outcomes for all New Yorkers by explicitly advancing racial equity and social justice.”

Governor Hochul echoed that in her edict against racial discrimination and racial injustice. She declared racism to be a public health crisis.

I guess that since “white” is not a color, according to some scientists, politicians can’t see white people (except for CRT, DEI, SEL, etc.), the denial of merit pay and COVID treatments for non-people is completely acceptable and moral. Hogwash!

Our nation was founded upon EQUALITY. The governments (local, state, and federal) are to follow the consent of the governed. It says nothing about skin color or equity.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.


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