Beyond Joe Biden's SCOTUS pick

When the news that SCOTUS Justice Stephen Breyer was retiring was leaked, it was met with a certain amount of shock. After a few hours of pontificating, though, the opinion quickly shifted to it being somewhat ho-hum news apart from Joe Biden's campaign promise to pick a black female to the Supreme Court, if given the opportunity.

Kim Strassel's Potomac Watch column states what's quickly becoming a common belief. In her column, Ms. Strassel writes this:

Mr. Biden promises a name before the end of February, and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer aims to wrap up confirmation in about a month. Barring delays or flashpoints, Democrats could therefore be in April right where they are now politically—with an appointee in the rearview mirror and voters focused again on inflation, Covid and the rest. It’s difficult to see how a relatively straightforward court debate in the spring will spur the liberal base to the polls in November.
Breyer is a liberal justice who isn't afraid to consider other nation's documents in forming his vote on cases. That's a fairly radical position to take. Whoever Biden nominates to Breyer's position, the person isn't likely to be more radical than Breyer. Senate Republicans, especially those on the Judiciary Committee, should do a thorough job of vetting the nominee, then vote their conscience. IF the nominee is found to have some skeletons, expose them. If she doesn't, live to fight another day.

Here's NBC's report on Breyer's retirement:

The immediate risk is to Democrats—namely, that the president saddles them with another midterm liability. Mr. Biden again faces a choice. He can pick a qualified liberal in the mold of Justice Breyer or Justice Elena Kagan and take credit for putting a substantive, thoughtful jurist on the bench. Or he can bow to progressive demands that he infuse the court with a new radicalism and put forward an amped-up version of Justice Sonia Sotomayor, all anger, bluster and fiery opinions.
Thus far, this Democrat administration doesn't have a percentage of making the right decisions. Biden's cabinet is littered with terrible secretaries, starting with but not limited to Merrick Garland, Pete Buttigieg and Alejandro Mayorkas. Garland thinks that parents disagreeing with school board members are domestic terrorists. Buttigieg's nickname is Pothole Pete, a perfect name for the Transportation Secretary. Alejandro Mayorkas is the Secretary of Homeland Security, which is an odd fit. Mayorkas hasn't enforced this nation's immigration laws. That's before I get into Education Secretary Cardona or Energy Secretary Granholm. Remember this not-so-oldie?

That's the personification of a blithering idiot. After Biden's SCOTUS pick is confirmed, people will be reminded that Biden's administration is filled with idiots.


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