Are the 2022 midterm elections a base election?

There's a ton of speculation that the 2022 midterm elections will be another base election. It's my contention that this isn't a base election for Republicans. Justice Democrats, on the other hand, see this as a base election. In fact, they're primarying Blue Dog Democrats.

Justice Democrats represent the out-of-touch wing of the Democrat Party. That's the AOC-Bernie wing of the Democrat Party. Justice Democrats shouldn't be criticized, though. They should be ridiculed mercilessly for their absurd policies. To paraphrase the late, great Rush Limbaugh, Justice Democrats liberalism isn't a political belief. It's a mental illness. But I digress.

The Democrats getting primaried by Justice Democrats-backed candidates are Henry Cuellar, Jim Cooper, Carolyn Maloney and Danny Davis. Sanford Bishop isn't getting primaried but he is speaking out. He said "Progressives seem to get a lot more press because I guess it’s more exotic and exciting. It sells more newspapers. But by and large, the country is center-based, either center-left or center-right. We’ve got some people who are far-right, some people who are far-left, but most of America is in the center."

Cuellar is one of the most vulnerable Democrats this cycle. It's difficult picturing him in Congress in 2023. For that matter, it's difficult picturing his district staying in the Democrats' column. In addition to getting primaried, Cuellar is getting investigated:

Cuellar is relatively strong on the border for a Democrat. That being said, he's opposed to Trump's wall, calling Trump's wall "a fourteenth Century solution to a Twenty-First Century problem." The Justice Democrat primarying Cuellar is likely a complete open borders advocate.

In 2018, Justice Democrats endorsed 65 non-incumbent candidates for the House, mostly for open seats. Of those, 24 candidates made it to the general election. Only seven won seats, according to data compiled by the left-leaning Brookings Institute.

In 2020, Justice Democrats endorsed eight candidates, including three primary challengers against moderate incumbents. Only Ms. Newman won her race, ousting former Illinois Rep. Dan Lipinski, a conservative Democrat who often broke with his party on abortion rights.

Republicans will retake the House majority in 2022, even without the Justice Democrats' help. That being said, if Justice Democrats want to keep primarying semi-sane Democrats, that just makes the Republicans' job easier. The Justice Democrats are chasing semi-sane Democrats into the GOP. By definition, that isn't a base election.


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