Alejandro Mayorkas criticizes Joe Biden's immigration policies

It isn't easy to find DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas' criticism of Joe Biden's open borders policies. Still, it's there if you look for it. During a rather intense exchange, Mayorkas said "I know the policies of this administration are not particularly popular with U.S. Customs and Border Protection, but that's the reality, and let's see what we can do within that framework."

Notice that Mayorkas didn't promise to fight for better policies and better enforcement of our nation's immigration laws. That's totally missing. He essentially told U.S. Border Patrol that they're stuck with Biden's policies so they'd better do the best they can. That's a different way of saying "the beatings will continue until morale improves."

If Donald Trump runs again in 2024, expect 90+ percent of U.S. Border Patrol rank-and-file to vote for him. They'll vote overwhelmingly against the Biden ticket. That isn't the only noteworthy information in the article. There's also this:

"I've never seen anything like that where Border Patrol agents are pushing back so aggressively on their leadership," former acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf said on "Cavuto Live."

"And I think what is probably most striking from that video, which is if you can see in the background the DHS secretary is standing right there, he does not step up. He does not address any of these concerns from the Border Patrol agents. There's no vision," he said. "There's no leadership. He just stands to the side because he knows he cannot talk to these agents and defend what is going down on the border because of the policies of this administration."

There's also this criticism:
Another agent reportedly pressed Mayorkas on how agents are unable to patrol the border due to the policies of the Biden administration, while another reportedly said that Yuma was better under President Donald Trump as "everyone was doing their jobs."
This criticism isn't just directed at Secretary Mayorkas. It's directed at elected Democrats who haven't stood with U.S. Border Patrol, too. It isn't just U.S. Border Patrol who are upset with Democrats over immigration. It's likely that an overwhelming majority of 'security voters' will vote against Democrats.

Joe Biden isn't helping his cause. He's just admitted that his administration is "trying to 'figure out' why illegal immigrants leave their countries." Here's a hint, Joe. The countries they're leaving suck compared with the U.S. Here's another hint: our borders are open and your administration doesn't care that they're open.

If Biden started consistently enforcing this nation's immigration laws, things would change abruptly. That won't happen, unfortunately, because Democrats won't let him. That's too bad. If he started consistently enforcing this nation's immigration laws, his job approval would jump overall but especially on the subject of immigration. Joe Biden and Secretary Mayorkas are failures. Mayorkas should be immediately impeached. AZ Gov. Doug Ducey certainly wouldn't fight that impeachment:

Democrats would fight it but they'd be fighting a losing fight. Gov. Ducey is right, though. Mayorkas is a failure. It's time for him to get fired or impeached. Of course, that isn't likely to happen. Firing him would force Biden to admit that he'd made a mistake. There's as much chance of Biden admitting that Trump was right as there is of Biden admitting he was wrong.


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