What the Rittenhouse jury didn't rule on

One thing that the Rittenhouse jury didn't rule on was whether government failed its most fundamental responsibility of protecting the people. They didn't rule on that because the Rittenhouse jury's primary responsibility, its only responsibility really, was to determine whether Kyle Rittenhouse had acted legally.

As for whether government failed to protect the people, that verdict would be 'guilty'. Democrat Gov. Tony Evers twice rejected offers from then-President Trump to send in the National Guard. Evers only accepted after the shootings.

Former state Supreme Court Justice Janine Geske said "It was a tough case. I worry that the message is that it's OK to bring serious arms, whether an AR-15 or other kinds of guns, to protests or counter protests for self-defense purposes. If everyone is open carrying guns we're going to get into situations with people being shot."

These riots (no, they weren't protests) could've been prevented or, at minimum, significantly diminished had Democrats acted decisively and quickly. Democrat politicians, starting with Tony Evers, failed at that. This panel on The Big Saturday Show got things right:

While the shift won't happen in 1-2 election cycles, there's a generational shift happening. The Democrats' tactic of crying racism is losing its impact. Economists might talk about the law of diminishing returns. Whatever you call it, the fact is that crying racism doesn't work like it used to.

This isn't nearly as true as the MSM wants us to believe:

To Geske, the case didn't so much reveal the country's divisions as amplify them on issues like the Second Amendment, racial justice and policing.

"We have a very divided country where people are on one side of a line and on another side of a line in so many circumstances," she said. "We have these two very, very different views of how our country ought to be operating."

The divisions aren't that obvious until the MSM amplifies them. Talking to neighbors or people in a grocery store, the divisions aren't as pronounced as they are on CNN or MSNBC. MSNBC and CNN aren't news outlets. They're propagandist arms of the DNC. When Joy Reid or Tiffany Cross speak, they might as well introduce them as the female version of Jamie Harrison, the chairman of the DNC.

As they discussed the trial more, they touched on one aspect that others online have worried over — what kind of example the verdict sets for others. "You shouldn’t be able to go out and shoot three people," Chris Warne said.
Between the intentional misinformation from the MSM and the Democrats' intentional injecting of racism into this, it isn't surprising that people have made ill-informed statements like these. The MSM and Democrats aren't interested in truly bringing people together. They love mouthing those words but it isn't sincere.

Finally, it's important to ignore the MSM and partisan Democrats. Further, it's important to not elect wimpy Democrats like Tony Evers or Tim Walz. It's time for a real leader instead.


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