The Democrats' dishonest spin

This op-ed was written by Jessica Tarlov and Antjuan Seawright. It's initial premise is dishonest, to say the least. They write "Imagine your house was struck by lightning. What would you do? Would you rebuild it just as it was, with the same dripping faucet in the bathroom, leaky roof, or sticking door? Would you choose new guest room wallpaper as faded as the old, and ignore the outdated wiring that transformed a lightning strike into a house fire?"

This is insulting to thinking people. The premise is faulty because the COVID recovery started the minute we re-opened the economy. The Trump-GOP tax/regulatory policies were still intact. The GDP for Q32020 was 33%. That's the biggest GDP in this nation's history. That hardly sounds like the home Tarlov and Seawright described. A GDP rate of 33% doesn't sound like a home with a dripping faucet, a leaking roof and sticking door. It sounds more like a luxury penthouse to me:

Tarlov and Seawright continue this exercise in propaganda this way:

Of course, you wouldn’t. No one would restore former faults. You'd "build back better."

That’s exactly what the House did by voting to pass President Biden’s Build Back Better Act, which Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.) aptly described as the "third leg of a three-legged stool." The legislation — combined with the American Rescue Plan and the bipartisan infrastructure bill — could reimagine our nation as we can be, not simply as we are.

What Tarlov and Seawright omit is the fact that the Democrats' multi-trillion dollar spending spree caused the highest inflation since 1990. They mention inflation. They just don't identify what caused the inflation. First, waging war on fossil fuels lit eh inflation fire. Next, the American Rescue Plan caused inflation, too. Third and specifically, paying people not to work with extra money in the form of additional unemployment benefits caused a worker shortage. There are currently 10,400,000 jobs not filled. Most of that should be attributed to the American Rescue Plan. Combined with the COVID checks, that produced a glut of money. The worker shortage caused a shortage of goods produced. It doesn't require Milton Friedman to figure eout that too many dollars chasing too few goods equals runaway inflation.

Then there's this:

Biden’s Build Back Better Framework is historic in its own right, including:

  • $555 billion to fight climate change;
  • $400 billion for universal Pre-K;
  • $200 billion to extend the child tax credit;
  • $200 billion to fully fund paid family leave;
  • $165 billion to close the Medicaid health care gap; and
  • $150 billion to build 1 million rental and single-family homes.
The bold print highlights 2 provisions that incentivize people not to work. How is that building back better? It's also inflationary, despite what the administration says.

Finally, these aren't issues that people are worried about. People are worried about how much extra it costs to refill the car and how much it'll cost extra to heat the home this winter. They're worried, too, about out-of-control crime. Waukesha is just part of that picture. They're also worried about what's being taught in their kids' schools. The Democrats' spending spree doesn't address any of those things.


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