Kevin McCarthy's impressive filibuster

Thursday night and Friday morning, Kevin McCarthy was a man posessed. Starting at 8:38 pm ET, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy held the floor until Nancy Pelosi cried uncle. In the wee hours of Friday morning, Pelosi called off the vote on Joe Biden's Build Back Better Bill.

FNC's Chad Pergram reported "At one point, the minority leader asked how President Biden can be trusted with $5 trillion after the debacle in Afghanistan." Pergram then reported "Rep. Steny Hoyer, the Democrat majority leader, issued a statement at early Friday that said members were 'advised that there are no further votes in the House tonight.' The House will reconvene at 8 a.m. ET and will likely vote on the bill. Most Democrats abandoned the chamber after midnight with McCarthy still talking, the Associated Press reported."

House approval was still expected on a near party-line vote. That would send the measure to a Senate where cost-cutting demands by moderate Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., and that chamber’s strict rules seemed certain to force significant changes. That will prompt fresh disputes between party centrists and moderates that will likely take weeks to resolve.
Democrat moderates in the House appear to be either wimps or nonexistent. Two weeks ago, they delayed a vote on Biden's socialist bill until the CBO scored the bill. In the interim, Penn Wharton put this together:
Under an alternative, illustrative scenario in which all spending provisions in the White House framework are permanent except the clean energy tax credits, new spending would instead increase by $4.26 trillion and new revenue would still increase by $1.56 trillion over the 10-year budget window. The federal debt would be 25.2 percent higher and GDP 2.8 percent lower in 2050, relative to current law.
It now appears that those 'moderates' are actually just scaredy-cat vulnerables. Voting for a bill that will bring us closer to European-style socialism, where the government uses regulations rather than ownership of industries to control production, isn't what a moderate does. This video from Steve Forbes explains "modern socialism":

Kevin McCarthy's filibuster highlights how wimpy Democrat moderates are. People like Josh Gottheimer and Dean Phillips don't have a spine. Therefore, they crumple the minute Nancy Pelosi needs their vote. If that's the definition of a moderate Democrat, give me a Republican anytime.


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