Fake anchors, fake analysts, discuss fake BBB numbers

On Sunday morning's At Issue with Tom Hauser, Hauser discussed Biden's Build Back Better Bill with Brian Melendez and Brian McClung. Hauser described the BBB Bill as a "$1.75 trillion bill." Clearly, Mr. Hauser is better at journalism than he is with math. Only the CBO score puts the cost of the bill under $2,000,000,000,000. The Penn-Wharton score says that "new spending would instead increase by $4.26 trillion and new revenue would still increase by $1.56 trillion over the 10-year budget window." I'm not a Ph.D mathemetician but I'm certain that $4.26 trillion is much bigger than $1.75 trillion.

I'm not surprised that Brian Melendez didn't disagree with the CBO score but I expect better from Mr. McLung. Instead of highlighting the gimmicks that Democrats deployed to get a smaller-sounding number, McClung just went into his analysis of whether the bill might pass. Shame on him for that.

Not commenting on the Democrats' gimmicks is missing an opportunity to highlight the Democrats' dishonesty. If a bill is worthy of passing, then Democrats shouldn't need gimmicks to make it appear legitimate.

In this press availability, Joe Manchin spoke about the "shell games" in the reconciliation bill:

That puts Mr. McClung to the left of Joe Manchin. If you won't hold people, especially Democrats, accountable, then it's time to re-examine your priorities. The Build Back Better Bill is the Democrats' annual ideological wish list bill. It's time for Republicans to criticize Democrats for not putting the American people first. The Build Back Better Bill puts the Democrats' ideological wish list first. Democrats aren't putting the people first.

To be fair, Tom Hauser accepted the gimmick figure without hesitation, too. He didn't ask any economists to check the CBO score, which would've been easy to do.

Finally, there's this: Save America. Kill the bill.


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