Democrats to attack GOP on CRT

According to this article, "Democrats plan to swing back aggressively at Republicans on critical race theory claims." That's actually the title of the article. The truth is that this tactic is destined for failure.

While Republicans like Glenn Youngkin used this to build his winning coalition, the truth is that parents were the people that started the movement. Any attacks on Republicans are actually attacks against parents. Good luck with that strategy.

Democrats intend on using nuance in their pitch. For instance, they plan on selling this with lines like "Democrats want to teach the truth about US history" and "Republicans are trying to divide Americans." This is the political equivalent of playing with fire while carrying an open gas can while performing a high wire act. If Democrats don't figure this out, the bodycount next November will be historically high. It wouldn't be just a matter of Democrats losing the House. It's a matter of Democrats losing their shirts up and down the ticket nationwide.

This isn't just about CRT. It's also about school boards gathering information about parents who speak up at school board meetings. It's about school boards siding with the teachers unions instead of with parents. If Democrats don't substantively address each of these problems ASAP, they'll have major problems on their hands.

Jim Jordan's timeline in this interview is today's must-reading:

Then there's this:
But Manley said the results in Virginia's recent gubernatorial race show that Republicans used critical race theory as a wedge issue to raise broader concerns among suburban voters. To suggest it's just an issue for the GOP base is "kind of like putting your head in the sand," he said.

"We need to figure out how to address this phenomenon without overplaying our hand and or allowing Republicans to, you know, break the education system in this country," Manley said.

Please, please, please keeping thinking that. This is playing into the Republicans' hands. One of the things that voters are upset about is the fact that the unions, in apolitical voters' minds, have too much authority. AFT bit Democrats in the butt by rewriting the CDC's COVID guidance. After that, the NSBA sent a letter to the White House asking the DOJ to have the FBI investigate parents.

Lots of voters nationwide think that the education establishment is too powerful. CRT is just part of the voters' criticism of the Democrats' handling of education. The Democrats' biggest hindrance with education issues is the teachers unions, followed by arrogant school boards.

DCCC chair, Rep. Sean Maloney of New York, told The Washington Post that Democrats have "learned from the lies and distortions of the last election." Democrats will argue that "children need to learn their history — all of it — without censorship or politics limiting what they can learn," Maloney told columnist Greg Sargent.
That's a strawman argument. Repulicans don't object to teaching history. It isn't like Republicans are the party of Jim Crow, the KKK or the Confederacy. Democrats were the politicians who filibustered the Civil Rights Act. A Democrat named George Wallace stood in the doorway to prevent people of color from registering at the University of Alabama:
If anyone should feel ashamed about their racial history, it should be Democrats.


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