The Democrats' latest desperate act

Nancy Pelosi is famous for saying about Obamacare that "you've got to pass the bill to find out what's in it." Those were the good old days when voting meant that you could vote on a bill that only a handful of people had read. There will be a hearing today in the House Rules Committee "on Democrats' massive reconciliation spending bill, as Democrats struggle to come to an agreement on the bill but still hope to vote on it this week."
"As we have insisted, we are close to agreement on the priorities and the topline of the legislation, which can and must pass the House and Senate," Pelosi, D-Calif., said in a letter to fellow Democrats. "At the same time, we are facing a crucial deadline for the Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework to pass."

"I have asked the Rules Committee to hold a hearing tomorrow, October 28, to advance this spectacular agenda For The People," she added, regarding the reconciliation bill.

Fox News is told the Rules Committee will meet at 12 p.m. for the hearing. But Pelosi does not say the hearing is a "meeting" to "markup" the rule that would bring the bill to the House floor. Bills must go through such Rules Committee meetings before an eventual vote, so a "hearing" appears to project the image Democrats are close to finalizing the bill.

In other words, this hearing isn't proof that the bill is written and agreed to by the warring factions, aka Kyrsten Sinema, Joe Manchin and various House Democrats from Texas. It's meant to project an image of momentum which Democrats obviously don't have at this moment. This is the Democrats' latest desperate act. There's still too many disagreements within the factions. This video does a solid job of showing just how far Democrats are from reaching a deal:

"They're optimistic." "They're hopeful." 'Joe Manchin vetoed the family medical leave act.' At this point, Democrats are relatively certain that they might have a partial framework for a bill which may or may not be able to pass the House or Senate. How is that different than where Democrats were at a week ago? A month ago?
"If we had a deal, as you know, we would be telling you about it," White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said Wednesday.

"I don’t think everything has been resolved," a senior source told Fox News.

The text of it is not expected to be completed by committees until at least late Thursday afternoon – meaning the rules panel will be holding a hearing on a bill that does not yet exist.

In other words, Democrats are praying things come together soon. That's probably the only time you'll see Democrats praying.


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