Loudoun County Public Schools disgrace

Last night, the Daily Wire published an article that highlights the Loudoun County Public Schools cover-up of a sexual assault of a high school freshman. Most of the 5,000+ word article are behind Daily Wire's paywall but what isn't behind the paywall is chilling and infuriating.

Luke Rosiak's article opens by saying "On June 22, Scott Smith was arrested at a Loudoun County, Virginia, school board meeting, a meeting that was ultimately deemed an 'unlawful assembly' after many attendees vocally opposed a policy on transgender students. What people did not know is that weeks prior on May 28, Smith says, a boy allegedly wearing a skirt entered a girls’ bathroom at nearby Stone Bridge High School, where he sexually assaulted Smith's ninth-grade daughter."

Later in the article, Rosiak reported "Minutes before Smith’s arrest, the Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) superintendent lectured the public that concerns about the transgender policy were misplaced because the school system had no record of any assault occurring in any school bathroom." In other words, the school board is attempting to cover this incident up. They're pretending that it didn't happen while portraying Scott Smith as a fanatic who's ill-informed.

Ed Morrissey has some of the article from behind the paywall in this article:

Juvenile records are sealed, but Smith’s attorney Elizabeth Lancaster told The Daily Wire that a boy was charged with two counts of forcible sodomy, one count of anal sodomy, and one count of forcible fellatio, related to an incident that day at that school.
This is a brief video of the police arresting Scott Smith:

The Loudoun County Public Schools better prepare for some expensive litigation. Hiding this alleged incident won't sit well with many people. Scott Smith already has a lawyer but I'm betting that there are lots of attorneys chomping at the bit to file this potential lawsuit.


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