From soccer moms to security moms to school board moms?

In 1996, Bill Clinton was strongly supported by suburban women satisfied with the economy. In that election's aftermath, these women became known as soccer moms. Legend has it that they typically drove minivans while taking their kids to soccer practice.

Those Clinton-supporting soccer moms quickly changed in the aftermath of 9/11. That's when they quickly became security moms, women who worried their sons and daughters fighting in Afghanistan or Iraq or whether their communities would be safe from future terrorist attacks. It turns out their communities weren't subject to additional terrorist attacks.

This year, thanks to the teachers unions' arrogance, distance learning and the school board's intransigence, a new group of moms is rising up. I'm naming them school board moms. They're upset with things like CRT, transgender rights and in-person learning.

These women have what might be termed a 'decency agenda'. These women aren't automatically part of the religious right. This mom is just opposed to books peddlling pedophilia to 12-year-olds:

I'm betting that most women agree with this mom. That's why this movement isn't about right vs. left. It's about rejecting perversion.

Every few years, people identify a new dominant group of swing voters. I'm betting that school board moms will be the midterms' dominant swing voters. They're certainly politically activated. This isn't happening just in Virginia, either. It's happened in Texas, Utah and New Jersey, too.


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