Frank Figliuzzi & the FBI's intimidation campaign against parents

When Frank Figliuzzi worked for the FBI, he was classified as a Special Agent-in-Charge. These days, he plays the role of political commentator. In reality, he's a political hatchetman. In this article, Figliuzzi's chief roll is of a propagandist. His other role is to throw police officers under the bus.

Figliuzzi starts the article by saying "Any parent who has a kid in Little League Baseball is familiar with the agreement they sign that governs parental conduct at games and that reminds them to be a role model for their kids. If only such agreements applied to school board meetings. Violent threats, even death threats, against school board members have become increasingly common as school boards across the nation meet to consider mask mandates, vaccine requirements and how to teach topics that include the history of race and its impact on our society. The hostility directed at its members has led the National School Boards Association to call upon President Joe Biden to help protect them as they go about trying to serve their communities."

What a pile of BS that is. Parents of Little Leaguers have the privilege to watch the games. When those parents are at a school board meeting to advocate for what their children are taught, their speech is protected by the First Amendment. Here's the text of the First Amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
The media, in their role as Democrat propagandists, portray school board members as hard-working, civic-minded people serving the people. From what I've seen in person, they're authoritarians who don't listen to the people. Figliuzzi's line that "death threats" ... "against school board members have become increasingly common as school boards across the nation meet to consider mask mandates, vaccine requirements and how to teach topics that include the history of race and its impact on our society" is fiction. Where's the arrest reports against parents who've threatened violence against school board members? Further, why does Figliuzzi think local law enforcement isn't up to enforcing those laws?

The other thing that doesn't add up to threats of violence is the movement to recall members of school boards. Ian Prior is a former DOJ prosecutor. Prior is now the founder of Fight for Schools. This is one of his recent tweets:

Watch this video and explain to me how people that participate in school board meetings and passionately express their POV are defined as domestic terrorists. I just thought they were passionate activists. I guess it depends on which side you're on. Funny thing is, though, that civil rights are supposed to protect everyone's rights:

The authoritarians on the school boards better straighten out their thinking before they're removed from their community's school board. Figliuzzi then throws local law enforcement under the bus:
The feds are getting involved for other reasons as well. First, and sadly, they may not be able to count on local police to do their jobs. Some local law enforcement leaders have publicly refused to enforce mask mandates issued by their state or local governments, and presumably this would include mandates in school settings in places like Douglas County, Oregon, and Los Angeles County, where sheriffs have seemed to be putting a desire to be re-elected over their commitment to public safety.
Or these local law enforcement officials recognize a scam when they see one. This weekend, it was reported that one of Gavin Newsom's children isn't properly vaccinated for COVID. That's despite the fact that "Newsom announced on Oct. 1 that all students and school staff must be vaccinated by January 2022, the first statewide mandate in the country. The order includes some exemptions, including one based on personal beliefs, but Newsom has not yet clarified the criteria for these exemptions."

Gov. Newsom is best known for imposing strict mask restrictions on Californians, then ignoring those restrictions to dine at fancy 5-star diners while not practicing social distancing. In other words, LA County deputies have a right to equally enforce the laws. If Newsom won't abide by his laws, then the people of California shouldn't have to abide by them, either.

Let's clarify this. Parents advocating for or against curricula in school aren't domestic terrorists. School board members sometimes are authoritarians. Merrick Garland's letter is proof of the Biden administration's politicization of the DOJ and FBI.                         


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