Trump signs on the rise, etc.

Some things are eternal truths, even in politics. One eternal truth in politics is that Donald Trump's base is the strongest in recent political history. Salena Zito's reporting in this article is proof that Trump loyalty isn't diminishing with time.

In the article, she wrote about a newlywed couple, who said "But one thing remained constant no matter what state, city, town or village they passed through, Drew said, 'and that was the amount of Trump signs we saw everywhere. And I mean everywhere,' he added for emphasis. 'They were in wealthy suburban neighborhoods, blue-collar middle class towns. You would see them in farm fields and painted on the sides of businesses. Most of them were either large flags, although plenty of them were hand-painted homemade signs too.'"

If Biden keeps making one terrible decision after another on issue after issue, he'll drive voters into Trump's campaign. That's because Joe Biden is the opposite of President Trump. Joe Biden is the personification of the Swamp. Trump is the Swamp's antagonist. Biden is the ultimate insider. Trump is the outsider who constantly thinks of the people outside the DC Beltway and the NYC echochamber.

Eventually, Trump signs will get vandalized. That isn't a guess. It's happened before:

The people that've vandalized these Trump signs are despicable individuals. These signs don't threaten anyone. Frequently, the vandalism comes in the form of a spray-painted swastika or the name Hitler spray-painted over the top of Trump's name. How juvenile is that?
Drew, 47, said people who didn’t vote for Trump and regularly fly over these states might be surprised or even shocked by the show of support for the former president who lost to Joe Biden last fall. Worse, he said, they might mistake the display as cultish. "Those assumptions would be wrong," said Drew, who is a service manager for a European industrial machining company.

"The 2016 presidential election was not about Donald Trump. If people took the time to listen, it was about the dissatisfaction with the establishments of both parties, and I will tell you that was brewing long before he stepped on that escalator in 2015."

The Trump movement is simple if you study it a little. Growing numbers of people are dissatisfied with politics-as-usual. Donald Trump is a willing disruptor. More importantly, his decisions have been right. Trump's decision to cut corporate taxes led to the fastest-growing wages for the middle class and the working class in a generation. The Trump tax cuts triggered the lowest minority unemployment in our nation's history and the lowest unemployment for women since FDR.

Joe Biden is the guy who's created one crisis after another. If it isn't Afghanistan, it's the US-Mexico border. If it isn't the US-Mexico border, it's skyrocketing inflation. If it isn't inflation, it's a supply chain shortage. These are all Biden-created full-fledged crises. If Biden doesn't stop creating these crises because he hates Trump, he'll hand the White House back to President Trump in the 2024 election.


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