Senate parliamentarian rules against Dems' reconciliation stunt

The Senate parliamentarian ruled that Democrats can't include amnesty for illegal immigrannts in the Democrats' reconciliation bill. Fox is reporting that "Democrats can't use their $3.5 trillion package bolstering social and climate programs for their plan to give millions of immigrants a chance to become citizens, the Senate's parliamentarian said late Sunday, a crushing blow to what was the party's clearest pathway in years to attaining that long-sought goal." This is the right ruling from Elizabeth MacDonough, the Senate's parliamentarian.

Budget reconciliation was put into place for budget matters, not policy matters. Read this for a better understanding of reconciliation and the Byrd Rule. Also, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell issued this statement on the Parliamentarian's ruling:

Senate rules never contemplated a majority circumventing the filibuster by pretending that sweeping and transformational new policies were mere budgetary changes.

Tonight’s ruling confirms that principle. Democrats will not be able to stuff their most radical amnesty proposals into the reckless taxing and spending spree they are assembling behind closed doors. This just illustrates how radical Democrats’ aspirations are and how unmoored their far-left wish list has become from the procedures they want to use to ram it through.

Democratic leaders refused to resist their progressive base and stand up for the rule of law, even though our border has never been less secure. After decades of failing to enact their amnesty agenda, Democrats tried this latest unprecedented gambit. It was inappropriate and I'm glad it failed. Check this out, too:

Apparently, the administration isn't deterred by the parliamentarian's ruling:
"The President has made very clear that he supports efforts by Congress to include a pathway to citizenship in the reconciliation package and is grateful to Congressional leadership for all of the work they are doing to make this a reality," the spokesperson said. "The Parliamentarian’s ruling is deeply disappointing but we fully expect our partners in the Senate to come back with alternative proposals for the Parliamentarian to consider."
Lindsey Graham chimed in on this in July:
Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., told Fox News in July that the Democratic push to add amnesty to the package is a "power grab" that may be the dumbest idea in the history of the White House and the Senate.

"If you give one person legal status there will be a run on our border like you have never seen before…the dumbest idea in the history of the Senate, the history of the White House. It will lead to the breakdown of law and order beyond what you see today," he said.

Joe Biden's approval ratings are tanking, including with Hispanics. This administration thinks that the path back into Hispanics' good graces is through amnesty. This foolishness will fail to improve Biden's approval rating with Hispanics.

Democrats aren't handling immigration well:

If you want to improve your approval ratings with Hispanics, you need to start by paying attention. That isn't happening.


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