Joe Biden's sham investigation

There's no reason for DHS to continue their investigation into Whipgate, aka Horsegate. This isn't a legitimate investigation that seeks the truth. This morning, Joe Biden held a press availability, essentially to emphasize COVID-related issues.

Surprisingly, Biden took a few questions. Predictably, he was asked about the Border Patrol agents whipping Haitians, which video shows didn't happen.

Rather than answering honestly, Biden replie, saying "To see people treated like they did, horses barely running over, people being strapped — it’s outrageous. I promise you, those people will pay. There will be an investigation underway now and there will be consequences. There will be consequences."

If the president has already reached a verdict, why continue with this investigation? It isn't a serious investigation. It's a sham and it should be stopped. The bigger point of this is that Joe Biden isn't interested in enforcing laws. It's dishonest for Secretary Mayorkas to repeatedly say that the border is closed. Last weekend, there were over 18,000 people under the bridge in Del Rio, TX. That isn't shut. That's open.

VP Harris threw Border Patrol under the bus, too: What a team Biden and Harris make. One lies, the other swears to it. It isn't a stretch to think that Biden-Harris are allergic to truth. Dan Crenshaw brought that point home best in this interview:

Rep. Crenshaw, you're exactly right. This is intentional. This is proof that the Biden-Harris administation isn't interested in enforcing immigration laws.


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