Joe Biden's core principles

Voters who thought that Joe Biden was a moderate and a nice guy have had their eyes opened. He's neither of those things. Those voters have gotten mugged by reality. Joe Biden's corruption, lack of gravitas and inability to rise to history-making moments is now exposed. There's a reason why he was a nobody for 40 years before being picked to be Barack Obama's vice president.

When Obama picked Biden to oversee his summer of recovery for the stimulus bill, Obama said he picked him because "Nobody messes with Joe." At the time, people from across the political spectrum knew that Obama was attempting to build Biden up because they knew that Biden was a blowhard.

When Robert Gates wrote his memoirs, he said that Biden had been wrong on every major foreign policy issue the past 40 years. Young people can appreciate that in light of the Afghanistan disaster and the drone strike that killed 10 civilians, including 7 children, but didn't kill any terrorists.

Joe Biden's corruption is thorough. He took an oath to faithfully execute the laws of the United States. He's frequently ignored immigration laws that stood in the way of Biden's open borders policies. Joe Biden and Democrats don't care about enforcing laws.

Meghan McCain expressed these thought beautifully in her first column for the Daily Mail:

The man I once considered a friend and confidante has morphed into a feckless and unreliable leader I no longer recognize. He gives all the signs of stubborn cantankerous naiveté, surrounded by idiotic sycophants anyone who has spent more than fifteen minutes around politics should easily recognize as the worst type of corrupt bureaucrats.
Joe Biden built a persona as being a blue collar guy from Scranton, PA. That's his persona but that isn't who he is. Joe Biden is a race-baiting political hack. He once told a group of African-American businessmen that Republicans "wanted to put you all back in chains."

Joe Biden said he didn't want his children growing up in racial jungles:

Joe Biden is showing who he really is. Challenging times expose a person's core principles. These are certainly challenging times. Joe Biden's core principles are getting exposed. It isn't a pretty sight. What we've seen is that Biden's core principles are determined by the last person he talked with.


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