Joe Biden picks socialism-loving Haitians over freedom-loving Cubans

Joe Biden has declared his preferences in terms of who he'll welcome to the United States. Thanks to TX Sen. Ted Cruz's 'reporting', we now know that "Eight days ago on September 8th, under that same bridge, there were between 700 and 1,000. That was what was coming a day, about 1,000, sometimes 1,100, but it would range between 700-1,100.

Then 8 ago, on September 8th, the Biden administration made a political decision. They announced that they were no longer going to fly deportation flights back to Haiti. 85% of the people under there are from Haiti. They're fleeing from Haiti. They announced they weren't going back. There were about 900 Haitians who were getting ready to board the flights when the political operatives in Washington canceled the flights. Well, what happened? Those 900 people, they all pulled out their cell phones and they e-mailed their friends and they e-mailed their families and they texted their friends and their families.

That was 8 days ago on September 8th. Today, it's September 16th, 8 days later, and 700 people has grown to 10,500 because the word has gone out."

Haiti is filled with corruption and poverty. It's been that way since Bill Clinton was president and longer. I point this out because the Biden policy towards Caribbean asylum-seakers is anything but rational. Remember this statement during the Cuban uprising?

Cubans fleeing communist/socialist oppression are likely to turn into freedom-loving Republican voters. Haitians are seen by Democrats as being more likely future Democrats. That's the Biden administration's political calculation.

Rather than uniting the nation like he promised the nation in his inauguration speech, Joe Biden's agenda has intentionally divided us. Congressional and Senate Democrats have helped with that, passing multi-trillion dollar bills through reconciliation. The first such bill was titled COVID relief. The bill that Democrats are working on now is titled the reconciliation budget bill. They're nothing of the sort. They're big government socialism bills intended to permanently establish taxpayer-funded slush funds for key Democrat constituencies.

The Biden administration is thoroughly corrupt. It is the personification of the worst of the Swamp. Not only do we need to defeat the Democrats in the next 2+ elections. Then we need to return to cleaning out the Swamp. Buckle up. We've got work to do.


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