Is Antony Blinken the Biden administration's human piñata?

Tuesday's hearing of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee turned into the day Republicans, with some Democrats, turned US Secretary of State Antony Blinken into a human piñata. The first Republican to inflict damage to Secretary Blinken's shrinking credibility was Florida Senator Marco Rubio. Sen. Rubio's office provided this transcript of Sen. Rubio's questioning of Secretary Blinken.

In Sen. Rubio's first body blow to Blinken, Sen. Rubio said "The Afghan government was still fractious and corrupt, and the Taliban had unchallenged safe haven in Pakistan. Put another way, and paraphrasing your own words from your opening statement, if after 20 years and hundreds of billions of dollars in support, equipment and training, there’s not enough for the Afghan government or the Afghan security forces to become more resilient or self-sustaining, what did we think was going to happen as that support began to be removed? What did we think was going to happen when that terrible status quo was changed? It doesn't take some exquisite piece of intelligence, or some brilliant analysis, to conclude that if you radically change an already bad status quo by removing U.S. and NATO forces, by ending air support the status quo was going to collapse in favor of the Taliban." Here's the video of Sen. Rubio's interrogation of Secretary Blinken:

Sen. Ron Johnson, (R-WI), told Secretary Blinken "[If I read only your opening statement, I would think the operation] was a smashing success. But I do read the news, as most Americans do, and we realize this is a complete debacle ... what concerns me the most ... is the detachment from reality ... " Later in his questioning, Sen. Johnson said that he'd visited Fort McCoy in Wisconsin, where some Afghans are being processed. Here's the video of Sen. Johnson confronting Secretary Blinken with specifics about what they're doing at Fort McCoy: These were only 2 of the highlighted confrontations from yesterday's hearing. You'll want to watch Rand Paul's questioning, Ted Cruz's questioning, Bill Hagerty's questioning and Rob Portman's questioning of Secretary Blinken, too. Each of these gentlemen did a great job questioning Secretary Blinken.


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