Immigration activists weaponize racism

When Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Alejandro Mayorkas and Jen Psaki sang from the same hymnal about the Border Patrol whipping illegal aliens, people checked Paul Ratje's photos of the incident, then viewed the video to find out what happened. The people understood that certain Democrat politicians had lied to them previously. Democrats, according to Chuck Todd, have a credibility problem. (FYI- That's perhaps the first thing he's said recently that I've agreed with.)

By hollaring 'racism' at the Border Patrol agents on horseback, Democrats hoped people wouldn't check out the video and pictures. That didn't work. People checked those things out. Why wouldn't they? Too many media outlets got the Covington Catholic kids story entirely wrong. The media, in general, isn't getting the benefit of any doubt anytime soon.

It's especially noteworthy what VP Harris said about Whipgate. She said "It also evoked images of some of the worst times of our history where that type of behavior has been used against indigenous people of our country, has been used against African-Americans during times of slavery..."

This is VP Harris on The View:

Democrats aren't just interested in these Haitians. These Democrats don't believe in US sovereignty. Check out this video:Roughly 2 minutes into the video, the narrator said this:
Inclusion of immigration in the budget reconciliation was critical to many because, under Senate rules, the filibuster can't be used to block a reconciliation package, meaning policy changes in the massive package can become law if Democrats can secure 50 votes from their own caucus in the Senate.
The immigration policy changes were thrown out because they aren't strictly related to the budget. Specifically, these immigration policy changes were ruled not germane because of something called the Byrd Rule. The Byrd Rule is named after Robert C. Byrd, the late West Virginia senator who was a) a member of the KKK, b) the Senate Majority Leader and c) chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee. How ironic. (Irony is quite ironic, isn't it?) While he was living, Sen. Byrd had 50 buildings named after him. But I digress.

Democrats are trying to link the Hispanic Border Patrol agents to racism in an effort to stifle criticism of the Democrats' open borders policies. Democrats have weaponized that word because the policy itself isn't popular.

Suffice it to say that Border Patrol agents are furious with the Administration:
Biden’s claims sparked angry reactions among Border Patrol agents who have been stretched thin attempting to curb a surge of illegal immigration into the U.S. that began shortly after Biden won the presidency last year. Agents speaking to Fox News panned Biden’s comments.

"Would you go to work and do your best knowing that if you do your boss is going to 'make you pay?'" one agent said. "I'm dumbfounded and don’t know what to say. Is the president threatening to throw us in prison?" he asked.

Another agent said, "I see the administration wants to fry our agents. He just started a war with Border Patrol."

This stunt by the Biden administration killed comprehensive immigration reform for a generation. Gutting immigration laws without going through the legislative process is the ultimate form of corruption. The best option for Republicans to follow after regaining their majorities in the House and Senate next year is to a) reinstate the Trump tax cuts if Democrats hike taxes this year, b) appropriate enough money to rebuild the Border Patrol and c) appropriate enough money to build Trump's border wall.

If Democrats want to vote against that trio of items, that's fine. I'd put these appropriations into a reconciliation bill, if possible. I'd also invite input from Sen. Sinema and Sen. Manchin on these initiatives.


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