How much will last night's debate hurt Terry McAuliffe's campaign?

Last night, Terry McAuliffe sounded like the teachers unions' spokesperson when he said "I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach." McAuliffe knows he's in trouble because prefaced that quote by saying "I'm not going to let parents come into schools take books out and make their decisions."

That's something that an elitist might say. McAuliffe put his foot in his mouth at the worst possible time. Glenn Youngkin, McAuliffe's GOP opponent, isn't letting McAuliffe's mistake slide. He's up with this video:

In 2020, Joe Biden defeated then-President Trump in Loudoun County by 20 points. This year, parents of all political stripes are on the verge of recalling the Loudoun County School Board. This isn't a wedge issue. Education/CRT is a hot button issue that's triggering visceral reactions from across the political divide.

Fairfax County is also experiencing lots of turmoil over education. These are 2 of northern Virginia's biggest counties, counties that Terry McAuliffe musty win decisively if he wants to win re-election. Youngkin will likely win big in rural outstate counties. Democrats have won in Virginia by piling up big margins of victory in the DC suburbs in northern Virginia. If Youngkin limits the margin of victory in Fairfax and Loudoun counties, McAuliffe will have a tough night this November.

Elsewhere in Virginia, the Prince William County School Board cut its public comment time to 30 minutes:

The newly passed rule only allows for one hour of public comment at school board meetings. Half of that time is dedicated to agenda items, leaving only 30 minutes for parents to discuss other issues. During that 30-minute period, only 10 attendees are permitted to speak for three minutes each.
Parents pushing for a greater say in their children's education is rising. Meanwhile, McAuliffe is still fully beholden to the NEA and AFT. Then there's this:
A prominent player in the Virginia Democratic Party is calling on lawmakers to defund the police and divert taxpayer funding to pay for abortions. Virginia’s NARAL chapter embraced the defund the police movement on Tuesday. The group urged lawmakers to cut off law enforcement and redirect "taxes to go towards helping our communities instead of harming them."
This can't help McAuliffe.


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