Sartell saga goes supercritical

The Upper Midwest Law Center sent a letter to the Equity Alliance of Minnesota on behalf of Kids over Politics to notify EAMN that "the District violated Federal and Minnesota constitutional and statutory rights of parents and students." Kids over Politics is "a non-profit organization devoted to supporting Sartell’s students and advocating for their best educational opportunities."

In the letter, Kids Over Politics 748 "ask the District to do the following to avoid a possible federal lawsuit":

  1. Discard and disregard any findings or recommendations of the flawed and illegal survey.
  2. Commit to never again force students to take a survey like this without first giving parents a copy and obtaining their written consent.
  3. Provide an accounting showing the public the source of the funding for the survey and the amounts paid for it, and to whom.
  4. Publicly take responsibility for forcing the survey on students and apologize to the parents and students of ISD 748 for imposing it without getting written consent from parents and allowing parents a chance to inspect the survey before making students take it.

It isn't likely that EAMN will agree to these terms. I can't see how they would when considering this:
In addition to the District’s failures related to the imposition of an equity survey on students without parental consent, the District has also been reportedly engaging in viewpoint discrimination by allowing the posting of “Black Lives Matter” posters and paraphernalia, but not allowing the posting of divergent viewpoints on inclusion and diversity, including 'All Lives Matter' or other like paraphernalia.

The imposition of 'Black Lives Matter' paraphernalia on ISD 748 students creates a hostile educational environment for students because it supports a radical separatist and Marxist political group that advocates for the destruction of the nuclear family and the promotion of the 'global black family.' Displaying this paraphernalia and refusing to display divergent viewpoints creates the impression among students that they must conform to this ideology.

EAMN has a clearly defined agenda. It's apparent that their agenda doesn't fit with Sartell's parents. At minimum, EAMN's agenda is highly controversial amongst Sartell's parents. This interview explains what's happening with this survey:
Featured prominently in the video is 'Question 46', which asks "46. Do you identify yourself as a male, female, transgender (transgender people have a gender identity or gender expression that differs from their assigned sex. For example, they were born male but now identify as female), or something else?" The options given are male, female, transgender or non-binary.

It's clear to clear-thinking people that EAMN's agenda is far outside the mainstream. Further, it's apparent that this isn't the type of thing that's appropriate for 4th graders. It's questionable whether it's appropriate for anyone in K-12.

These parents should be applauded for standing up to EAMN. EAMN has an agenda and they won't let a group of parents/taxpayers stand in the way of that agenda. This lawsuit is a serious lawsuit. If EAMN doesn't take it seriously, they'll have problems.


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