Joe Biden's plan isn't working

Andy Puzder's article lays out the difference between President Trump's economic performance and Joe Biden's economic performance by using the Bureau of Labor Statistics' own charts. Puzder makes his argument with just 1 chart. This is that chart:
This is the opening of Mr. Puzder's article:
What is all this "Biden inflation tax" talk really about? What is the actual effect of inflation on the lives of real people? 
Well, below is a chart that compares yearly wage and inflation rates for each month from 2017 through July of this year using Bureau of Labor Statistics data. Wage rates are in blue and inflation (as measured by the consumer price index) is in red. When blue is on top, as it was during the entire Trump administration, workers’ wages are beating inflation and their standards of living are improving. When red is on top, they’re not. 
While President Biden claims that it is “indisputable” that his jobs plan “is working,” this chart unequivocally shows that it is not, at least not for American workers. Rather, inflation is surging, more than wiping out any wage gains those workers might have experienced.


  • Inflation was under control during the entire Trump administration. It never spiked.
  • Wages grew at a faster rate than inflation during the entire Trump administration.
  • Inflation has grown faster than wages under the Biden administration since March, 2021.
  • Biden's war on fossil fuels is contributing significantly to this inflation spike.
  • The Democrats' COVID 'Relief' Bill is contributing to inflation by disrupting supply chains.
Check this out:

Thanks to that largesse, in June of this year, personal savings were nearly $400 billion higher than in January of 2020. People have money and now they’re spending it. 
But the pandemic disrupted production and order flow, hobbling supply chains. Simply, people were unable to work and businesses were unable to anticipate future demand. Bad policies that pay people more not to work than they can make with a job have exacerbated the supply chain disruptions. You can’t produce and deliver goods if you can’t find workers.
The Biden economic plan isn't totally failing yet. Still, it isn't performing like the Trump economy. That's what's indisputable. Job creation isn't the only metric of a healthy economy. Wage growth, low inflation, healthy supply chains and high workforce participation rates are part of a healthy economy, too.

We don't have that right now. If the Biden tax increases hit, we will see a full-fledged recession. The Biden/Democrat recession will be Joe Biden's and the Democrats' fault. Totally.

Remember that next November.


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