Joe Biden's idiotic surrender

Last week, Joe Biden put on a clinic of what-not-to-do-presidenting. Never in the history of US presidents has a president looked this stupid or this confident while being this wrong. Byron York's daily newsletter quotes Pete Wehner frequently. Wehner made the strongest case against Biden's decisions while explaining why everything fell apart for Biden.

Wehner ticked off the case against Biden. The then-senator was wrong about the first Gulf War. Wrong about the second Gulf War. Wrong about the surge. He was so wrong about everything, Wehner noted, that former Defense Secretary Robert Gates famously wrote that Biden "has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades." 
Wehner concluded that Biden is wrong so often because he, Biden, thinks he knows more than everybody and thus has "far too much confidence in his own judgment." And that judgment is often bad. But there's more than that, Wehner wrote. "Biden's foreign-policy record has one other through line: the betrayal of people who have sided with the United States against its enemies and who, in the aftermath of American withdrawal, face a future of oppression, brutality, and death."
During Friday's press conference, Biden said that his administration had stayed in touch with the Taliban to get Americans out of Kabul. Rob O'Neil, the SEAL Team 6 operator who killed Osama bin Laden, is upset that the military isn't allowed to do the things it does best -- kill people and break things. Here's O'Neil's interview with Pete Hegseth:
I'd rather have 1 Rob O'Neil than a dozen Joe Bidens. Biden is arrogant and unwilling to listen and gather the correct information about the situation in the field. Rob O'Neil is a lethal weapon waiting for his next assignment.

It's time for Joe Biden to unleash the dogs. The time for coordinating with the Taliban is over. The US should reopen Bagram and whatever other airbases they need to get Afghan interpreters, diplomats and the military out of Afghanistan.

The time for pussyfooting is over. It's time for Joe Biden to learn that. Last week, Joe Biden surrendered Afghanistan. That's disgraceful.


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