Joe Biden, aka Jimmy Carter 2.0

While it isn't right to compare Joe Biden's mishandling of the pullout of Afghanistan with Jimmy Carter's Operation Eagle Claw, Biden's fiasco is a major national security mistake. Kevin McCarthy's criticism of the Afghanistan operation is totally justified.

Joe Biden is quickly morphing into Jimmy Carter 2.0. It's difficult, if not impossible, to name a single accomplishment that's made people's lives better. Before Afghanistan, most people would've said that inflation is the thing that Biden and Carter most had in common. Now, though, it's difficult to not compare Biden's military blunders with Carter's infamous military blunder.

Leader McCarthy ripped into Biden for Biden's incompetence. Ditto with Sen. Mitch McConnell:

"The White House has no discernable plan other than pleading with the Taliban," McCarthy said in a statement late Friday. "The bungled withdrawal, reminiscent of his failed withdrawal from Iraq, is an embarrassment to our nation."
"President Biden must continue to provide the close air support necessary for the Afghan government to protect themselves from the Taliban and make sure al Qaeda and ISIS do not gain a foothold due to the Biden administration’s disastrous policies," the top House Republican said. 
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., offered stronger language than McCarthy in his statement after talking to Raz on Friday, saying the U.S. military should "hammer" the Taliban with airstrikes. 
"It is not too late to prevent the Taliban from overrunning Kabul," McConnell said Friday. "The Administration should move quickly to hammer Taliban advances with airstrikes, provide critical support to the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF) defending the capital, and prevent the seemingly imminent fall of the city."

 Joe Biden has been part of 2 of the United States' biggest foreign policy mistakes in Afghanistan (thus far) and Benghazi. It isn't surprising that former Defense Secretary Robert Gates said that Biden "has been wrong" on every major foreign policy decision in the past 40 years.

Gen. Jack Keane is furious with Biden for Biden's timeline for pulling our troops out during the Taliban's peak fighting time:

Biden is a blithering idiot. Frankly, he should be run out of DC immmediately. This is the US's biggest national security setback since the botched Bay of Pigs Invasion in 1961 and Jimmy Carter's attempt to free the Iranian hostages.

With inflation rising, things are bad enough. Then add in the fact that the southern border is wide open. After that, factor in that countries like China, Russia and Iran are laughing at us and our allies distrusting us and you've got the recipe for the worst administration since the 1800s.


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