Joe Biden administration hacks are gone; now it's time to let serious people get translators, Americans out

Now that the US Government has pulled the last of its troops from Afghanistan, it's time for 'retired' troops to get Afghan interpreters and helpers out of Afghanistan. It isn't that US troops didn't perform honorably. It's because the politicians who masquerade as generals tied their hands who let our troops down.

Gen. Kenneth McKenzie, the leader of Centcom, had the audacity to say "I do know this just speaking clearly practically as a professional, they helped us secure the airfield, not perfectly, but they gave it a very good effort, and it was actually significantly helpful to us, particularly here at the end." I can't imagine hearing an officer say something this stupid, much less hearing the theater commander say it. It's a breathtakingly stupid thing to say.

It's disgusting that the commander of Centcom would legitimize the Taliban. The Taliban is a terrorist organization who shouldn't get a penny of support from the US government.

Organizations like Afghan Forces Assistance Fund should get support for their work. Here's what they're about:

We are a veteran run charity whose current focus is to raise money and organize safe passage for vetted members of the Afghanistan National Army, Afghanistan National Special Forces, Interpreters, and other soldiers that have worked side by side with U.S. forces. Through direct communication channels we are in contact with many of the Afghans that we have worked with, or other members of the Special Operations or military community have recommended to us. Our goal is to provide funding, plane tickets, assistance with visa applications, and any other assistance needed to get our brothers that we fought side by side with safely out of the now Taliban controlled Afghanistan. These men dedicated their lives to fighting the Taliban and ISIS with U.S. forces every day, making themselves and their families targets. We cannot and will not stand by and let them fall into unfriendly hands.

Thank God for people like this. Trusting AFAF is easier than trusting Joe Biden, Lloyd Austin, Mark Milley or Antony Blinken. Greg Gutfeld got it exactly right when he said that "We are living in world run by idiots."

Given the choice of trusting the people running Afghan Forces Assistance Fund or Gen. Kenneth McKenzie, the choice is simple. I wouldn't pick the commander of Centcom. Given the choice of trusting the people running Afghan Forces Assistance Fund or Joe Biden is even easier. I wouldn't pick our commander-in-chief.


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