In favor of staying in Afghanistan

If I could reset the clock and return to the day after Rob O'Neill killed bin Laden in Pakistan, I'd make lots of changes. First, I would've gotten US and NATO combat troops out of Afghanistan. I would've kept special operators and intel forces in theater. I would've ordered groups like the 82nd Airborne and 10th Mountain Divisions into Afghanistan to provide close air support for Afghani troops and gather intel.

I would've limited the scope of the mission by eliminating the nation-building part. Further, I'd limit the mission by ordering troops to focus on permanently stifling the Trifecta of Terror, aka the Taliban, al-Qa'ida and ISIS. Let the Trifecta of Terror know that we'll keep our foot on their necks in perpetuity.

Finally, I'd unleash the beast. I'd let the world's greatest military act like the world's deadliest fighting force.

It's time to admit that it's still important to stifle future terrorist attacks. George W. Bush's mistake wasn't fighting them over there so we don't have to fight them here. He got that part of the strategy right. What he got wrong was the nation-building part. Rob O'Neil has the right idea with the KISS system:

Contained in Psalm 23 is the verse "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for Thou art with me." Half a century ago, I saw a bumper sticker in Dan Marsh Drug Store with a modified version of that verse. It says "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil because I'm the biggest, baddest sunovabitch in the valley."

The point is that we need fewer generals in the Pentagon who are politicians first and war fighters next. The next chairman of the joint chiefs of staff should be someone who's won a major war. I don't want another Gen. Milley in that post. Ever.

Gen. Milley isn't a hero. This is the definition of a hero:


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