Gov. Kate Brown, Democrat bigotry edition

 Gov. Kate Brown, the Democrat governor of Oregon, has a tell that she's a bigot. She isn't called on it but it's there nonetheless. Former President George W. Bush called it "the soft bigotry of low expectations."

But I digress. Let's return to Gov. Brown and the Democrats' soft bigotry of low expectations. Last month, Gov. Brown signed a bill into law with little fanfare. Not every bill signing has a signing ceremony so that, by itself, isn't that unusual. What makes this bill signing different is what the bill doesn't do and what it does.

This bill doesn't require students of color to be proficient in "reading, writing or math." This bill does tell students of color that they aren't capable of meeting high expectations. This got Whitney Munro of the Cicero Institute, Maj Toure of Black Guns Matter and Lawrence Jones upset:

This is odd:

The Oregonian reported that the governor has seemed to avoid discussing Senate Bill 744. Her move to sign the bill was "not public until recently, because her office did not hold a signing ceremony or issue press release." The paper also pointed out that the bill was first signed on July 14 but not added into the state’s database until July 29 due to a glitch in the system.

 Toure highlighted the Democrats' philosophy best when he said "This is the school-to-prison pipeline via legislation." The pattern is all-too-predictable. The pandemic has given parents the time to question the teachers' unions' status quo policies.

This can't continue. The Democrats' plantation-to-prison program must stop.


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