Proof that Angie Craig is a socialist

If people needed proof that Democrat Angie Craig is a socialist, this article provides that proof. Craig was picked by Nancy Pelosi for a committee looking into income and wealth inequality. Rep. Jim Himes will chair the committee. Other Democrats serving on the committee are AOC, Pramila Jayapal, Marcy Kaptur, Gwen Moore, Vicente González, Angie Craig and Sara Jacobs. It isn't known at this point if Republicans will appoint members to serve on the committee. I'd recommend that Republicans ignore this committee.

During the announcement of the new committee, Ms. Pelosi said "The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself." According to Ms. Pelosi, the statement is "a comment from President Franklin Roosevelt when he established the Temporary National Economic Committee in 1938." That's anti-American because it's anti-Constitution.

The Constitution is unique in that it limits government. The Ninth Amendment states "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people." The Tenth Amendment states "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

It's frightening that Pelosi thinks that the democracy is weakened when the individual is strengthened. The Constitution repeatedly states that the individual reigns supreme. Here's the entire frightening press conference:
As I said before, Jim Himes was named the chairman of the committee. He spoke about the district he represents in Connecticut. He said it's possible to go from well-manicured lawns on sprawling estates to tiny apartments of single moms. Socialism doesn't provide for a middle class. It just provides for serfs and all-powerful oligarchs.

David Ignatius  wrote this:
“Rust Belt districts harmed by plant shutdowns, urban districts ravaged by racial injustice, rural districts where farmers are suffering from drought, and districts across the country where young people are struggling with debt, low-wage jobs and an uncertain future,” Ignatius wrote as a list of possible examples.

 No economy lifts all people. That's never happened anywhere at any time. Milton Friedman schools the Democrats on the strengths of capitalism:   

Pelosi's blueprint relies on redistribution of wealth. It doesn't focus on economic growth. Jack Kemp once famously said that a rising tide lifts all ships. Before him, JFK said the same thing. If this newly-formed committee had a similar slogan, it would be 'A slow-growing economy keeps the rich happy and everyone else miserable.' That's what we had for 8 years of Obama and 4 years of George W. Bush. That's what we're heading for with Pelosi's blueprint.

That's why Republicans should refuse to participate in the committee. Nothing good will come of it. Meanwhile, Angie Craig is part of a committee of socialists aiming at redistributing other people's wealth.

If its purpose is to redistribute wealth, it's a socialist committee. With Democrats, the only difference between their moderates and the AOC wing is whether they'll proudly proclaim that they're socialists or if they'll hide their love of redistributionism.


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