Progressive Senate Democrats are sabotaging the infrastructure deal over Green New Deal
When Ed Markey speaks, people listen. They listen, like I do, because the things Sen. Markey says are frequently worthy of ridicule. Yesterday, Sen. Markey said that far-left Democrats will sabotage the infrastructure bill if Republicans deny the American people of "climate action that they've been demanding."
Markey said "It's time for us to go our own way. We cannot let Republican calls for bipartisanship deny the American people the climate action that they have been demanding." Republicans should hold fast to their principles on this. There aren't millions of voters in battleground states that insist that we pass major parts of the Green New Deal. Standing on these principles will help Republicans in 2022.
Jeff Merkley is a no-go, too. He said "If we’re looking at a deal on infrastructure going to the floor that does not have the energy investments in it and in which there has not been a deal worked out on reconciliation to have those energy investments. Then absolutely not, I will not support the package." Again, if the bill doesn't include parts of the Green New Deal, who cares? It isn't like there are tons of Green New Deal voters in swing states.
If these Democrats want to sabotage the infrastructure deal, Republicans should let them, then campaign on the fact that Democrats are the no-accomplishments party. Republicans should also call Democrats the poison pill party.
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