Joe Biden's economic blueprint

Joe Biden's economic blueprint isn't working in Texas. Last Thursday, Biden tried issuing a threat to small businesses, saying "This is an employee's bargaining chip now what's happening. They're going to have to compete and start playing [sic] hardworking people a decent wage."

Biden isn't too bright, at least when it comes to doing his research:
According to the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC), nearly 45% of posted jobs offer wages greater than $15.50 per hour. Approximately 76% pay more than $11.50 per hour. Only 2% of posted jobs pay around the minimum wage.

Apparently, Biden isn't satisfied with the Democrats' 'Push for $15', the Democrats' push for a national minimum wage of $15/hr. Two months ago, Jen Psaki said the administration didn't see anything that said people weren't returning to work because of the additional $300/week from the federal government. They can't say that anymore. The proof is everywhere. This is a short clip of Biden acting creepy:

Biden apparently hasn't figured it out that businesses need to make a profit to pay employees higher wages. Raising employers' taxes and employees' wages isn't prudent economics. It's foolish economics.


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