Traitor Joe Biden sells out unions

It took only a matter of hours before 'Scranton Joe' Biden sold out the unions. Hours after he took the oath of office, Traitor Joe Biden signed an executive order halting construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline, aka the KXL. With his signature, Traitor Joe put 11,000 construction workers on unemployment.

Now people are speaking out against Traitor Joe. Their words are harsh and well-deserved. For instance, "Peter Bardeson, the business manager for the Laborers, Local 620 union in Sioux Falls, South Dakota" said "How do they lay their heads down at night knowing they're supposed to be protecting these people and providing them with what they need to live? Ole Joe sold us out."

Laurie Cox, the owner of Stroppel Hotel in Midland, South Dakota, is one of the companies that've gotten hurt by Traitor Joe's executive action. Cox "saw her business take a major hit earlier this year when the Biden administration pulled key permits for the Keystone XL Pipeline, an $8 billion cross-border venture that would have connected two points of an existing pipeline, also called Keystone, that carries oil from Canada to Gulf Coast refineries. Cox's hotel had been home to welders, carpenters, and union laborers who were tied to the pipeline project. On Jan. 20, they were all out of a job."

That's what a union traitor does. There was a time when Democrats relied on the unions as their heart-and-soul of the party. That trend changed when environmental activists started changing the dynamics of the Democrat Party.

Democrats aren't the blue collar party anymore. They're the wealthy, corporatist party. Democrats think of blue collar workers as rubes. They don't view blue collar workers as essential to this nation.


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