Nekima Levy-Armstrong indicts Minneapolis Police Department, Minneapolis Public Schools

Last night on TPT Almanac, Nekima Levy-Armstrong indicted the Minneapolis Police Department, aka the MPD. Saying that it's a weak indictment is understatement. Specifically, she said "Think about the fact that, one year ago, the world took notice of a lot of the racial justice issues that were happening in Minnesota following the murder of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis Police Department. Millions of people took to the streets. Many jurisdictions changed their laws on the books. So we've seen progressbut there's still a lot of work to do."

Notice that Levy-Armstrong indicted the entire MPD, not Derek Chauvin. Is that because Levy-Armstrong thinks that the entire PD is as racist as she thinks Chauvin is? Levy-Armstrong is a radical who sounds reasonable on TV. Last summer, for instance, Levy-Armstrong's Racial Justice Network threatened Minneapolis Police Union Chief Bob Kroll.

Levy Armstong was critical of Minneapolis police union leader Bob Kroll, and participated in protests calling for his resignation. A 100-person protest group led by Levy Armstrong's Racial Justice Network that gathered outside Kroll's home in Hugo, Minnesota on August 15, 2020, drew controversy. In addition to calling for Kroll's resignation, the group criticized Kroll's partner, WCCO television reporter Liz Collin, for having a conflict of interest in stories about police violence. Some protesters bashed piƱata effigies of Kroll and Collins, which was condemned by local media members for being a symbolic display of violence against a woman journalist.

This is the video of Levy-Armstrong's interview:  

On the subject of education, Ms. Levy-Armstrong said this:

"However, there is still much work to be done to undo the systemic racism in the state of Minnesota and we have to look at the state of policing. We have to look at the system of mass incarceration. We have to look at disparities within the system of public education."

Ms. Levy-Armstrong isn't on the right path in terms of education. The problem isn't the disparities. The problem is the teachers unions. This pandemic highlighted the unions' priorities. Saying that it didn't cast the unions in a positive light is understatement.

The lockdowns showed that the unions' highest priority is protecting their clients. In terms of priorities, helping students isn't near the top of the list. It's time to push school choice.


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