Iowa puts parents in charge; Tim Walz keeps bureaucrats in charge

Kim Reynolds, Iowa's Republican governor, just signed a bill into law that eliminates mask mandates anywhere in the state. The article states "Leaders of Iowa school districts cannot require students or staff to wear masks, and Iowa cities and counties cannot impose mask mandates under a law Gov. Kim Reynolds signed early Thursday. The law went into effect immediately. The signing prompted several Iowa school districts to modify their mask requirements as a result Thursday."

At the bill-signing ceremony, Gov. Reynolds issued a statement, saying "The state of Iowa is putting parents back in control of their child’s education and taking greater steps to protect the rights of all Iowans to make their own health care decisions. I am proud to be a governor of a state that values personal responsibility and individual liberties. I want to thank the Iowa Legislature for their quick work in bringing this bill to my desk so that it can be signed into law."
By comparison, Minnesota Democrats still aren't following the science:
Meanwhile, in the Twin Cities, mask mandates remain largely unchanged. In one St. Paul elementary school, masks are still required during outdoor recess. This is a decision which appears to go against scientific evidence. One report from The New York Times shows that outdoor transmission rates may be as low as 0.1%

While it's true that Tim Walz has lifted Minnesota's mask mandate, Minneapolis and St. Paul schools and businesses have kept the mandates intact. I don't think the average apolitical voter will make that differentiation. He's the guy at the top of the ticket.

This is yet another instance where Tim Walz will lose a border battle with 'the-state-next-door'. He's losing that fight with South Dakota and North Dakota while holding his own with Wisconsin.


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