Gretchen Whitmer vs. Enbridge Pipeline

Last week, Gretchen Whitmer, Michigan's Democrat governor, ordered Enbridge to shut down their Line 5 Pipeline. This happened while the Colonial Pipeline was shut down by Russian cyberattack. Fortunately, Enbridge didn't shut their pipeline down.

According to the article, the "editorial argues that Whitmer’s decision to close the Line 5 pipeline Wednesday was “indefensible” given the situation with the Colonial line, adding that her proposal to carry fuel by rail or road instead was 'ridiculously inadequate' and would cause infrastructure to 'buckle' if her plan were to be put in motion." That isn't the only reason why it would've been a terrible decision. It's inexcusable for Gretchen Whitmer to not know this information:

"The United States has a treaty with Canada forbidding either country from interfering with the cross-transport of oil," the editorial argues. "For the good of Michigan and the rest of the country, the Biden administration should advise Whitmer that her actions are in violation of that pact and contrary to the best interests of the nation."
It isn't difficult to predict that we would've had $4.00-a-gallon gas. In fact, that might've been on the low side.

This is the ultimate in virtue-signaling:

Shutting down the pipeline that runs under the Straits of Mackinac has long been a priority

 for Whitmer, who made the issue a key campaign promise. Citing the concerns of environmentalists, Whitmer argues that the nearly seven-decade-old pipeline is due for a catastrophic spill that could happen at any time, forcing her to take action to end its use.

But Enbridge argues that the line has never had a leak and says the company is taking additional steps to ensure it can be safely operated. The Canadian government has supported the company’s case, backing it as it sought to stop the governor’s actions in federal court.

Gov. Whitmer apparently isn't the brightest bulb in the chandelier. Shutting down a pipeline that's working perfectly during a gas shortage is downright foolish. In the end, it's likely that Enbridge will win this fight, thanks in large part to the US-Canada treaty.

While a court might side with Whitmer if Line 5 needed repairs, it's difficult to imagine the court siding with Whitmer without cause.


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