Defeating Critical Race Theory

How to Defeat the Critical Race Theory By Ramblin’ Rose Why do people who hate America and all she stands for remain and actively attempt to destroy her completely? That’s what the Critical Race Theory (CRT) purports. In recent days, Idaho, Oklahoma and Tennessee have passed laws that were signed by the governors to prohibit the inclusion of the left-wing CRT indoctrination program in government-funded schools. Currently, Texas, Arizona and Oklahoma are considering similar restrictions. Florida’s Governor DeSantis is actively opposing said curriculum in that state. Key elements of CRT are the buzzwords: inclusion, diversity, equality and equity as measures of “cultural competence.” At the national level, the current administration is pushing the application of CRT in all levels of the federal government, replacing the restrictions of the brainwashing program instituted by the last administration. But some parents have provided a blueprint for success in eradicating the propaganda from their school. In Southlake, a suburb near Dallas, TX, the parents rallied and ousted the progressive members of the school board by a 70% margin. What was their plan of action that other parents could emulate? Their template is simple, easily understood and broad enough for other groups. There are five steps:
  1. Understand the problem and identify the enemy.
  2. Stand united with others.
  3. Strategize and reach out to the public.
  4. Hold the others accountable and demand answers.
  5. Be visible and accessible.
In Southlake, the problem began in 2018 when two students posted a racial slur on TikTok. They apologized but were forced to leave the district. Then, the district sought retribution. "Activists introduced the well-prepared $3 million Cultural Competency Plan (CCAP) in Southlake, under the guise that the plan was about inclusion and diversity." The district imposed a CRT "…curriculum for each grade and regular surveys of students on inclusion and diversity.' It would establish a hotline for reporting violations 'that inhibit progress toward cultural competence goals.'" All school activities were subject to "equity audits." The inclusion training was for faculty, as well as students. What is equity? How does it differ from equality? The difference is huge. "Whereas 'equality' treats everyone the same regardless the circumstance, ‘equity’ treats everyone differently because of the circumstance." Equity is another name for discrimination, although the left-wing ideologs will not admit it. Parents saw through the smokescreen of the propaganda and publicized the facts about the radical program. Their actions were met with bullying tactics and threats. During the next year, parents organized online and met in person to defend their children’s education against Marxist activists and their agenda. Southlake families organized a PAC to spread the word and ask the public for financial support and their votes. They also requested answers via public information requests. As a result, they discovered violations by several school board members, and even two of them were indicted by a grand jury. The school board countered with legal actions about "white privilege" and even hired a PR firm against the parents. The parents' candidates ran informational campaigns focused on the issues. Their efforts were organized, supported by volunteers, and extensive. But the efforts were successful. The anti-Cultural Competence Action Plan (anti-CCAP) candidates won by landslides. The work by the parents (and community) against the Marxist ideology prevailed. The children were the ultimate winners. May more parents band together to fight against the propaganda machines attacking our educational system at all levels.


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