Biden to Netanyahu: time to de-escalate with Hamas, Palestinians

Today, Joe Biden told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to de-escalate Israel's counter-attacks against Hamas. That 'admonition' is likely to go in one ear and out the other with Netanyahu.

According to the article, "The President conveyed to the Prime Minister that he expected a significant de-escalation today on the path to a ceasefire." The de-escalation will start when the IDF decimates Hamas's capabilities. If there's anything that's certain, it's that ceasefires are victories for Hamas. Hamas inflicts lots of damage within Israel, then a Democrat administration tries to limit the destruction within Gaza. Israel wouldn't agree to that type of agreement. Israel understands the importance of inflicting long-term pain on terrorists.

While Biden has been supportive of Israel’s right to defend itself, he has also been facing pressure from the left-wing of the Democratic Party, which has criticized the Israeli response.

 Biden is showing signs of weakness when strength is required. Yesterday on a trip to Dearborn, MI, Biden got into a heated conversation with Rashida Tlaib over Israel:

In a notable tarmac conversation, Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib conveyed to President Biden her dissatisfaction with the United States' response to the bloody conflict between Israel and Hamas that has now entered its second week, her office says.

Tlaib, the first woman of Palestinian descent to serve in Congress, also told Biden that Palestinians must be protected, and she shared her harsh assessment of Israel's role in escalating the violence, an aide for the congresswoman's office said in a statement.

TRANSLATION: Tlaib wants terrorists protected. If they aren't protected, she and the rest of the Squad will raise holy hell against Biden.

This idiot thinks that Israel is committing war crimes. He isn't paying attention to the fact that Hamas launched the first rocket and missile attacks in this escalation of hostilities. Now that Israel is defending itself with its superior firepower, Hamas is crying foul. The only thing worse than that is that Biden is buying Hamas's propaganda.

Israel didn't pick this fight. It's just willing to ignore Joe Biden, Rashida Tlaib and other anti-Semites while it eliminates the terrorists' military capabilities.

 UPDATE: As I predicted in this post, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Joe Biden that he intended to keep up the attacks against Hamas terrorists:

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday brushed off President Biden's call for a "significant de-escalation" of the conflict in Gaza, saying he is "determined to continue" the operation against the terrorist organization Hamas – just as Biden is facing pressure from the progressive arm of his own party on the issue.


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