Are Republicans putting together a circular firing squad?

The opening paragraph of this article says "More than 100 influential Republicans plan to release a call for reforms within the GOP alongside a threat to form a new party if change isn't forthcoming, a person familiar with the effort said." These "influential Republicans include "former New Jersey Gov. Christine Todd Whitman, the former administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency; former Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge, the first secretary of homeland security; former Transportation Secretary Mary Peters; and former GOP Reps. Charlie Dent of Pennsylvania, Barbara Comstock of Virginia, Reid Ribble of Wisconsin and Mickey Edwards of Oklahoma." After reading this list, it's difficult taking the article seriously. Then, too, it's from NBC so it's difficult to take anything they've written seriously. This is especially difficult to take seriously:

One of the organizers is Miles Taylor, a former Trump official who, as "Anonymous," wrote an op-ed in The New York Times blasting the Trump administration in 2018. "We're going give the GOP one last chance to get its act together and moderate, but we're not going to hold our breath," Taylor told NBC News. "We're ready to get out there and fight against the radical elements in the party to try to excise those elements from within the GOP and our national politics and to try to invest in the deeper pro-democracy bench."

Taylor apparently thinks that he's a somebody when he isn't. Today's GOP is the real GOP. Liz Cheney's GOP is filled with losers like her, John Boehner, Paul Ryan and Adam Kinzinger. Most of these "influential Republicans" didn't attract attention when they last served. They're barely afterthoughts now. Before this week, the last time I'd heard from Whitman was when she endorsed Biden:  

When Whitman spoke at the Democrat Convention, she said "I’m a lifelong Republican. My parents were introduced at the Republican National Convention by their parents. That’s how far back it goes. But this isn’t about a Republican or Democrat. It’s about a person, a person decent enough, stable enough, strong enough to get our economy back on track. A person who can work with everyone, Democrats and Republicans to get things done. Donald Trump isn’t that person. Joe Biden is." Whitman's words ring hollow today while everything that Joe Biden touches crumbles:

Israel is erupting, Americans are utterly confused when masks should be worn for COVID-19 protection and then there are the agita-inducing long lines for gasoline. And that was just Tuesday. A lot has changed in a matter of days.

Joe Biden looks like a deer in the headlights. His cabinet is incompetent or corrupt. DHS Secretary Mayorkas might be both. He's the idiot that declared that the border was closed last Friday. On Sunday, 46 Venezuelans crossed the Rio Grande near Del Rio, TX. The next day, 52 Venezuelans crossed the Rio Grande near Del Rio, TX. Tuesday, another 52 Venezuelans crossed the Rio Grande near Del Rio, TX. It's pretty routine that the MSM digs up a handful of washed-up Republicans whenever a distraction is needed to take attention away from Biden's crises.


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