To MnGOP: it's time for a change

I have a simple message to the delegates who will vote tomorrow for the officers of the MnGOP. It's time to dump Jennifer Carnahan. She can't lead an organization when one officer after another criticizes Chair Carnahan. Many current and former officials have criticized Carnahan. RNC Committeewoman Barb Sutter wrote "The state party has used fundraising vendors who get a percentage of the donations. However, over the period from October 2019 to February 2020, the oversight of those allocations was virtually nonexistent. MN GOP got to keep only 48% of the money that came in online, whether the vendor was responsible or not for the donations. Our vendors took large fees on nearly all donations throughout the life of our relationship." Sutter's email continued, saying "Rather than nurturing a vibrant environment that fosters teamwork and creativity, Jennifer uses fear to intimidate and silence her opponents. This is a drain on our party’s energy and resources, and it’s inconsistent with the values our donors expect, and that our Constitution stands for. We deserve better, and the conservatives in this state deserve better." Sutter isn't alone:
Republican National Committeeman Max Rymer said he was subjected to the kind of retaliation Sutter described when he attempted to privately raise concerns about the party’s financial mismanagement. In response, Carnahan "has impugned my character, tarnished my reputation at the highest levels of the Republican National Committee, has told explicit falsehoods, and involved more people than just our Executive Committee — all the way up to the COO of the RNC and beyond," Rymer said in an email to party officials. "I am disturbed the way MN GOP Chair Jennifer Carnahan has handled this situation. She’s displayed prolonged financial negligence, misrepresented the financial impact to the Executive Committee Board, and attempted to intimidate a whistleblower (me)," Rymer continued. Dave Pascoe, secretary of the Minnesota GOP, said in an email to delegates that he has been "asking questions about party mismanagement and finances" since December. "These questions have not been well received," he said. "Unfortunately, it appears that me looking into these matters has been taken as a combative personal attack."
It's telling that the people who know her best don't trust her. Instead, they criticize her:
Janet Beihoffer, a former Republican committeewoman for Minnesota, also objected to Carnahan’s leadership in a recent email to delegates and endorsed her opponent. "When she did not get her way or felt threatened, she labeled people 'racists,'" Beihoffer said of Carnahan. "She literally utilized the Democrat technique of 'identity politics' with wild abandon. I have worked in multiple industries, with [thousands] of people from over 56 nations — I have never heard or witnessed successful, positive people use the term 'racist' like I have seen Jennifer Carnahan use it to describe so many of her fellow Republicans.”
Ms. Carnahan isn't a leader. She's a boss. There's a big difference between the two. Leaders inspire people. Bosses give people orders. It doesn't require a rocket scientist to figure out that leaders are preferred.


  1. Not my party, but Gary, if you are not touting the other choice, look how it turned out. For "Vote Against" you need someone like Trump for the strategy to work. That level of polarization. It worked, even for Joe Biden, who some (arguably very many) have a difficult time touting, "Vote Against" worked in 2020. In 2024, Republicans could win if they choose someone besides "Trump again;" the GOP equivalent of "the Clintons again." I am still betting on Pompeo. Not Trump again. Not Ted Cruz. Not Mike Pence. Not Lauren Boebert. Not Gaetz. Do you see the Florida gov as a viable choice?

    1. Eric, I didn't notice this comment until now. Sorry it took so long. Not nearly as many people will vote against Trump this time. Biden's caused too many disasters. Inflation is hurting too many families. Thank Bernie Sanders' policies for that. The border has been open and cities have had their budgets decimated by illegal immigrants. Afghanistan was a total disaster. That's before I talk about education, crime & energy.


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