Tim Walz's disgusting press conference

My jaw hit the floor when I heard Gov. Walz say that replaying the 9+ minute videotape of George Floyd's death "have desensitized the horrificness of what was witnessed on that Memorial Day last year." Gov. Walz then continued, saying "And we're here this week because of that act. Plain and simple, where we watched a man's humanity get taken and then we watched his life be taken. Last June, we watched that pain and anger pour out into our streets here, across the country and around the world. That civil unrest that followed here in Minnesota left nearly 1,000 businesses in ruin and the lifestream of many with them." Later, Gov. Walz continued, saying "they very clearly stated that if the systemic changes that need to be made aren't made that things would repeat themselves. And when I say things, I mean the horrific deaths of young black men over and over and a systemic feeling in this state that not everybody gets the same opportunities. And just a week ago on Sunday afternoon, we in the world watched again as Daunte Wright's humanity was taken from him -- and then his life. And now we're here with out justice system, just put that decision in the hands of that jury." That's at least twice that Gov. Walz has talked about Daunte Wright without mentioning that there was a warrant for his arrest because he didn't show up for a 2019 court hearing after being accused of stealing $820 from a woman. When she wouldn't give him the money, Daunte Wright allegedly reached his hand inside her bra and grabbed the money. Doesn't this woman's humanity matter to Gov. Walz? Why does Gov. Walz and the DFL treat her like she's insignificant? Further, Gov. Walz made it sound like this was just a routine traffic stop until the police officer decided to shoot an unarmed black man without justification. The officer's bodycam footage paints a totally different picture. This is intentionally misleading the public. Gov. Walz knows that Wright had an outstanding warrant because he missed a court appearance in 2019. Why did Gov. Walz omit that part? Why is he still intentionally stoking racial animosity?


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