Senate DFL doesn't support Minnesota National Guard

A total of 23 DFL senators voted against Sen. Jeff Howe's resolution condemning "the removal of the Minnesota National Guard from the St. Paul Labor Center." Senate DFL Leader Susan Kent opposed "the resolution because it 'represents political posturing. It is adding to the tensions. It is playing with matches in a dry field,' Kent said of the resolution, which she voted against 'out of protest for the very fact that we are spending our valuable time doing this when what we need to be doing is working on behalf of the people of Minnesota.'" A look at the heart of Sen. Howe's resolution shows that that's DFL spin. Here's text from the heart of Sen. Howe's resolution:
WHEREAS, the Governor activated the Minnesota National Guard on February 5, 2021, to protect public safety and security, and the lives, property, and rights of residents, businesses, and protesters alike; and WHEREAS, the citizen soldiers of the Minnesota National Guard left their jobs, families, and homes to answer the call to duty to respond to the needs of their fellow Minnesotans in their time of need, and did this without hesitation as they have done throughout their history; and WHEREAS, the members of Minnesota National Guard were given permission to use the St. Paul Union Labor Center for a staging area, used the facility respectfully, caused no damage, and left when requested to do so and WHEREAS, on the night of Wednesday, April 14, 2021, members of the Minnesota National Guard that were staged at the St. Paul Labor Center were told they had to immediately leave the building, without warning, and without any place to go; and WHEREAS, the members of the Minnesota National Guard very professionally vacated the St. Paul Labor Center while being harassed and taunted by union members and leader...
Shame on Sen. Kent. Saturday night, 2 National Guardsmen were shot while deployed in Minneapolis as part of Operation Safety Net. Is it political posturing to stand with people who've served on the front line in a dangerous situation? These national guardsmen didn't just serve on the front line, though. They got shot in a drive-by shooting, too. Is Sen. Kent that jaded to think that everything revolves around politics? It'd be sad if that was the case. The DFL senators who voted for the resolution broke with their leadership. They either didn't see this as political posturing or they cast a vote to preserve their re-election chances. Whatever the reason for their votes, the National Guard should've been welcome. They were good tenants. They were protecting people. Kicking them out was a disgusting decision. The DFL should be ashamed.


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