Ma'Khia Bryant committed a crime

When Ma'Khia Bryant pinned a woman against a vehicle, she pulled a knife out and threatened that woman with that knife. The parrots in the MSM insisted that the 2 girls got into a fight. That isn't what happened. Ms. Bryant was involved in another fight before attacking the teenager in the pink outfit. The teenager in the pink outfit was walking towards the officer when Bryant attacked. That's assault with a deadly weapon. That's far beyond a simple fight. Video captured by a neighbor's motion detector shows virtually everything from the time the first squad car arrived. I saw 2 things in this video that I consider noteworthy: In the video from the officers' body cams, a man wearing blue jeans is lining up to kick a woman who is lying on the sidewalk. The woman on the sidewalk fell there after getting pushed by Ma'Khia Bryant. Bryant then moved to the teenager in the pink outfit. When Bryant switched to attacking the girl in pink, Bryant blindsided the unarmed girl. The Democrats and their shills in the NBA and the MSM are trying to turn Bryant into a martyr. Lebron James posted a tweet that he quickly deleted. Here's James's threatening tweet: Lebron James's deleted tweet ranks right down there with Maxine Waters' threat. Is Ma'Khia Bryant's life worth more than the unarmed black girl's life? Why hasn't 'King James' threatening tweet caused him to be suspended? (That's a rhetorical question.) Further, why hasn't Twitter suspended Lebron James's account after publishing a clearly threatening tweet to the officer? Again, that's a rhetoricle question. The day that Twitter suspends a high-profile Democrat's Twitter account is the day I start scanning the skies above my home for horses flying in V-formation. The MSM won't report the details because they shatter the MSM's/Democrats' storyline.


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