Joe Biden vs. Dr. Nicole Saphier, mask edition

Joe Biden repeatedly said that his administration would "follow the science." He's fallen short of that promise. Tuesday, Mr. Biden walked out of the White House wearing a mask to announce "new CDC guidelines eliminating the need for face coverings at such gatherings." The White House touted this speech as a major speech on COVID-19. It wasn't. Joe Biden and the Democrats insist that he's following the science on this. That isn't true. Last summer, which is almost a year ago, a DHS study showed that COVID-19 dies in sunlight virtually instantly. In fact, most people are safer outdoors than indoors. Further, it's virtually impossible to spread COVID-19 through incidental contact with others.
The president’s appearance on the North Lawn was designed to herald the eased mask restrictions for people, such as himself, who are fully vaccinated. After walking to the podium in the black face covering, Biden took it off and said, "Starting today, if you’re fully vaccinated and you’re outdoors, you need — and not in a big crowd, you no longer need to wear a mask."
Dr. Nicole Saphier wasn't happy with Biden's message. She got pretty upset during this interview: Later, Dr. Saphier added to her statement on the CDC's guidelines in this tweet: Here's Biden's North Lawn speech: Joe Biden is a blithering idiot. He's a 1-trick pony, too. Biden's presidency is tied to COVID panic. If Americans get vaccinated, then start living like they're vaccinated, the Biden/COVID Crisis will stop virtually immediately. That reality can't happen fast enough for Americans. Further, taking COVID panic away would devastate Democrats' tyrannical rule in Michigan and Minnesota, too.


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