Kill this Minnesota bill immediately

The bill described in this article couldn't be supported by freedom-loving people. If passed and signed into law, the Sustainable Transportation Act would "reduce vehicle miles traveled by at least 20 percent by 2050, on a statewide basis." Rep. Frank Hornstein, DFL-Minneapolis, isn't the brightest bulb in the DFL's chandelier. According to Rep. Hornstein, "a reduction in vehicle miles traveled, or VMT, is needed 'if we are going to make headway in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the transportation sector. Transportation is now the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions and we’ve had the least amount of reduction in the transportation sector.'" What's needed, Rep. Hornstein, is for the State Department to negotiate a treaty with megapolluters like China, India and Russia that requires them to reduce their GHG emissions. Why should the US restrict ourselves when other nations are ignoring climate change? We're already leading by example. That isn't what's being considered, though:
Sam Rockwell, executive director of Move Minnesota, said the production and distribution of electric vehicles has not "happened fast enough to meet climate timelines. We would have to be producing 100% electric vehicles within the next seven to eight years to achieve that," he said while testifying in support of the bill.
Who thinks like that? I'm certain that people at far left think tanks think like that. I wouldn't doubt that the lefties repesenting Minneapolis and St. Paul think like that. (That's where Hornstein is from.) Minnesota's central planners apparently don't think highly of individual rights. These Democrats are control freaks through and through. This bill needs to be stopped immediately and forever.


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