How Joe Biden unofficially gutted CBP

Joe Biden has officially gutted CBP without Congress passing legislation curtailing CBP. What's happening at the border is slick. (That isn't meant as a compliment.) What's happening is "hundreds of parents and children have been spending hours at an outdoor processing station next to the Rio Grande, some sleeping on the ground while they wait for agents to formally take them into custody. Roy Villareal, who retired last year after 33 years in the Border Patrol, said about 40 percent of those taken into CBP custody now are children and families, but they consume 60 to 70 percent of agents’ time, attention and paperwork. 'Border security drops tremendously because of this,' he said, noting that drug traffickers often choreograph the crossings of large groups of families to tie up agents in one area while moving narcotics in another." Gutting Customs and Border Protection with legislation would've been met with outrage because people want protection, especially from international drug cartels and sex traffickers. Opening the US-Mexico border, eliminating the Remain in Mexico plan that was working and assigning CBP agents to doing paperwork is the fastest way to gut CBP. This says everything about the Biden administration's dishonesty:
Although the Biden administration says its policy is to "expel" families to Mexico under a pandemic health order, the most recent CBP data shows that only about 10 to 20 percent are being turned back. The rest are typically released into the United States with a notice to appear in court, even though Biden told reporters last week that the families "should all be going back."
It's a mistake to think of Joe Biden as a man of integrity. He wants to get lots of things done whether the people want his changes or not. Elected Democrats in general and Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi in particular, don't care what the people want. They care about the wish list. Democrats like Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi don't have the same goals as the average American. Their agenda is to pass laws that will put them in power and keep them in power for a generation. Part of that plan is to flood America with Hispanics so they can overwhelm our battleground state elections. This isn't a battle of left vs. right or Marxist vs. capitalist. It's a battle of cancel culture and socialism vs. sanity and capitalism. PS- This is how terrible the conditions are at the Donna, TX CBP facility: This isn't humane. This is what happens when Democrats effectively gut CBP, though.


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